Friday, March 16, 2012

One of those "actual pants"-wearing days.

Wow, look at that! I blow-dried my hair today, put on some mascara and actual pants. After spending most of the past two months in my PJs, I barely recognize myself.

To be honest, I kind of feel like taking the pants off again - I'm not used to having fabric pressed against my stomach (since it's only just starting to heal from the surgery) and even though they're not tight, I'm still a billion times more comfortable in my baggy flannels. But my brother in law is coming to visit, and I have a feeling that wearing real pants would be quite appreciated.

Everything would be sooo much easier if I could just wear loose dresses. But, for some reason, I've started to despise wearing anything but pants. If you could even say that I have a "style" right now, it would be extremely men's wear-inspired. Boots, blazers, shirts, pants, loose-fitting t-shirts and satchels. That is, if I had to wear clothes at all. Which, in time, obviously I will. I have to say I look forward to the day when I'll just get up in the morning, put something on and leave the house like it's no big deal. Right now, I usually spend the whole day thinking "hey, today I'll drive down to the grocery store and buy some... avocado or something" (it's a two minute drive), "I'm just going to rest for a bit, try to muster up the energy" - and then suddenly it's past 7 pm and the store is closed and I'm like "oh, man!".

And now I'm basically just rambling. I'd better have some lunch and watch another episode of Popular. Need to rest for a bit, you see, today I'm really going to try to get down to the grocery store and buy some... yoghurt, I think. We'll see how that goes. Oh, the excitement of convalescence!


  1. I'm way more into pants lately as well! I'm just waiting for spring because I think what I've really had enough of is wearing skirts with tights.

  2. This is beautifully written. Very lively x

  3. annika, it's good that you are being gentle with yourself. you're trying to heal. with love

  4. Jag gillar att du har höfter, precis som jag :)

  5. Anonym, finns det människor som saknar höfter?

  6. Ahh, photos of you! Yay!

    PJs have been my 'style' for the most part, as well. If I'm not wearing my work uniform and I'm at home, bam, PJs. This happens to me every winter.

    I think the men's wear inspired style works for you, since you're so pretty and feminine-looking, naturally. ♥

  7. Hi, Annika,
    I,m so happy to know you,re getting better!
    I must say you,ve always been my favorite blogger and the most inspiring and wise woman. I,m glad that you know now what to do with your life and managed to figure what is really important to you. Of course, I will miss your totally awesome outfit pictures, but, anyway, that,s your choice and it means - the right one :)
    You are not only beautiful but also have something to tell, your writing is so amazing!
    By the way, you look incredibly lovely in these pictures and also very natural :)

  8. haha I love those pant wearing days too!!! zara all the way :P

  9. I'm glad to hear such a cheerful spirit in your past couple of posts. I don't care whether or not you do outfit posts or not. I'm just overjoyed to read any post from you! Boy do I understand about only wanting to wear comfortable clothing when sick/recovering. I have a lot of digestive and reproductive issues so from my waist to my thighs I tend to hurt a lot. Skirts and dresses are really the best, but I'm so used to wearing pants that it feels weird to have a draft on my legs. :P

    It's so lovely to see a photo of you smiling, even if it's just to please us silly selfish readers. Besides, who cares if you wear baggy flannel pants? You might inadvertenly make it a fashion statement. :P

  10. Can't beat PJ's, I've gone off dresses and loose clothing a bit too.. must be the weather

  11. You're looking very nice in those pants, Annika! :) I'm glad you're wearing them again!

    Pajamas are awesome, but it's good to see you're starting to think of going out! Wish you sooooo much happiness, dear <3

    I will miss your outfit posts, sure, but I'd rather see you happy with your choice and posting about your gorgeous cats, than being untrue to yourself <3 whatever you do, just don't leave us! You inspire us every day <3


  12. So happy to see you smile!

  13. Åh vad kul att se dig så mycket gladare och friskare!

  14. Kul att se att du är på rätt väg :) Ta det lugnt och pressa inte dig själv för mycket. Jag hejar på dig!

    // Lisa

  15. You look absolutely radiant! I was missing your smile babe, and it's good to have it back.

    Much love,


  16. Annika....I am so glad that you are feeling better and that you are actually wearing pants :D.They´re really IN this year (this is a statement made by me):P It´s really good to see that little by little you are coming back again in our lives....I´ve missed you, the photos and the stories....everything! And I just love your 2 cats! :D (eventhough they don´t appear in this picture i just wanted to tell you!)

    So.....that´s all for today and I´m waiting impatient to see your next post! :D Hugssssssssss and hugsssss four you!

  17. You look gorgeous, darling:) take care of yourself - your health is the main thing, pants can wait. It's great to see you back though))

  18. Great outfit! I hope you recovery fully from your surgery soon!

  19. Jeansleggings är ett hett tips om man har en öm och arg mage. :) Det är min räddning många gånger när jag vill ha byxor på mig men inte klarar av riktiga byxor med knapp och dragkedja. :)
    Hoppas att du fortsätter läka ordentligt och blir piggare!

  20. Real clothing seems like a godd idea when you get a good visit, wouldn't want to receive people in my pajamas.

    It is so easy to think that I will do this later, and put things ahead of yourselves until it is to late. But i remember when I was healing from a surgery, and it was a less complicated one, it takes time.

  21. I'm so happy for you :]

    And I feel so bad, that my days are exactly the same as yours, although I don't have any excuse. :D

  22. yoghurt? sounds exciting!! xD
    great to see you back, all my love!

  23. Du ser helt fantastisk ut! Jätteroligt att du skriver! Var rädd om dig!


  24. You look so beautiful and it's so nice to see you posting again! You really have the loveliest writing. Just wear whatever you want that is most comfortable : )

    Forever Fashionably Late

  25. Confession: I put my pyjamas on immediately when I get home every day, be it seven in the evening or midday. It's not that day-clothes are uncomfortable - not at all - it's just that nothing is more comfortable than loose jammies and a warm jumper. I totally understand.

    Glad to see you're getting better, but not as glad as your cats, I bet.

    From a fellow cat fanatic.

  26. du är ju så fin och jag blir ju så glad när du verkar må bättre.

  27. you're so beautiful! love it! xx

  28. You look really cute!! :)


  29. Annika!
    Jag har nu läst igenom en del av dina inlägg. Jag känner igen mig i det du skriver. Jag fick själv besked om livmodershalscancer och genomgått behandling som strålning och cellgifter. Jag började att blogga. För att någonstans göra av tankarna. För att på något sätt delge mina nära och kära och bekanta hur jag mådde. Resten som ville ta del av de bjussar jag på. Vi är inte mer än människor. Vi är ganska lika.
    Det är extra sorgligt när skit och eländessjukdom drabbar barn och unga människor, tycker jag. Man funderar och är tacksam över helt andra saker. Jag älskar den vanliga vardagen mycket mer än tidigare!

    Jag skickar dig alla styrkekramar jag kan. Du fixar det här! Det blir bra! De skyddsänglar du behöver kommer!
    Kram Helena

  30. O ja, konvalescentens dagsprogram! När jag bara satt hemma hela dagarna utan att orka göra någonting brukade jag känna att jag hade en plan för dagen om jag visste typ att Hanna Hellquists krönika skulle publiceras i tidningen samma dag så att jag kunde läsa den. På ett sätt var det skönt att slippa bry sig om kläder men efter månader av sjukhus och behandlingar började det tillslut spira en liten tanke som viskade att jag ju egentligen brukade tycka om klänningar och sånt. Och när jag gick och klippte mig för första gången på evigheter var det som att jag tänkte att det skulle bli ganska skönt att ha på sig något annat än mjukisbyxor, iallafall ibland;)

    Nej nu babblar jag, det var på något sätt bara så skönt att känna igen sig i det du skriver.

  31. Sometimes I have days like that, where I intend to do small things but end up doing nothing and then it's too late to do what I wanted in the first place... Good to see you back, for a bit, darling Annika!

  32. Hoppas byxprojektet gick som det skulle.

  33. It's nice to see you Smiling again. I love wearing pants but I love pjs more :)

  34. Okej, jag har inte kommenterat här på evigheter, då att få läsa om din sjukdom verkligen gjorde ont i mig då jag förlorade min älskade morbror, min hjälte här i livet, för ett par år sedan, och det är fortfarande ett öppet sår. Det har verkligen tagit mig evigheter att våga mig tillbaka hit till den här sidan och börja läsa igen, men det har faktiskt fungerat som en slags terapi. Nu till det som jag tänkte säga.

    Jag är glad att du har börjat tillfriskna och mår, kanske inte bra, men bättre än förut. Att operationen gick bra, att du fortfarande har gläjdeämnen som dina katter och din familj och varje dag som du vaknar upp och fortfarande vill vakna upp. Och jag hoppas att du lyckas köpa yoghurt idag.


  35. Great to "see" you again!! Kram

  36. I'm so glad you felt up to putting mascara on, that must mean things are getting better! Your hair is so beautiful!

  37. Annika - watch "forks over knives" and re-think your diet :) after i saw it I did some research…Denmark is ranked with having the highest female and overall cancer rate (2011) AND it is the country with the highest meat consumption in the world! I know, just a correlation - not causation. but something to think about..get better! XXXX

  38. it makes me so happy, relieved and grateful to read your most recent posts. they give an impression of new-found hope and confidence which is fantastic. you know that I carry you in my heart with me every day.

  39. Super cool look<3

    Your Blog is so inspiring!! Would you like to follow each other?

    xoxo Dani

  40. You're looking great! Hope you're feeling ok and gradually getting better. You're just as great in pajamas :)

  41. It´s great to see what you are doing in this blog.

  42. Actually, you are beautiful. Congrats sweet! kiss

  43. SO good to see that you are doing well... these things take time!

    best of luck xx

  44. Okey, this is going to be an incredibly selfish and absurdly rude comment so just ignore it; Please start blogging regularly again! I'm sorry, I know I'm being a horrible human being BUT I MISS READING YOUR POSTS EVERY EVENING SO SOOO MUCH!!! Alright, now it's out of my system... I'm glad you're getting better,you deserve all the happiness in the world <3

  45. Något sen reaktion här, men: Gud vad roligt att se att du bloggar igen!!!

  46. great look!!love the pants!

  47. Love the pants, and I recognize that feeling!!

    And I have a question too,
    what do you do when you are stressed and the time you have isn't enough?

    This is my tip!!

  48. Beautiful post and blog!:) Would you like to follow each other?

  49. vet du annika. du är så fin att jag storknar.
