Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where the heart is.

This is the last night I'll be spending at my house for a while. You can be sure I'm savouring every moment. Actually, I always do.

Because my house - and, especially, those who happen to live here with me - are freakin' awesome. Top notch! Crème de la crème!

I really am one lucky gal.


  1. I wish you all the best!!! You will get through this, I know it and we all pray for you!!! Nini

  2. Yay! A post! (I'll admit, I cheered!)I'm sad to hear you'll be away from your lovely house for a while, but hopefully it'll just be for a short time. Your wellbeing is of the utmost importance. All the best dear Annika. *hugs*

    PS - I finally started my fashion blog this year! Thanks for being an inspiration for it. I hope I can be half of the blogger you are. :)


  3. i love you Annika keep strong babe your an true inspiration to us even though you would probably disagree its true your amazing please dont think otherwise gorgeous :) thinking of you and i really do hope you get better soon ive been a fan from the start of this wonderful blog, its cheered me up in bad times and im so sorry to hear of your own bad times but i strongly believe that life gives you lots of shit but never gives you more than you can handle so your obviously very strong even if you dont know it love you beautiful xxxxxxxxxx oh and your cats are adorable and im also a huge harry potter fan j.k rowling is genius <3

  4. I missed your posts, dear. Wishing you all the best! :)

  5. Jag kommer tyvärr inte på något vettigare att säga än att jag verkligen verkligen vill och hoppas att du blir frisk snabbt. Hejaheja och tack för att du uppdaterar ibland, jag blir så orolig när det är tyst och stilla här. Dina katter är bedårande för övrigt, och pojkvännen i fråga hemskt stilig!

  6. Håller tummarna för dig! Hoppas du är tillbaka på bloggen snart i full fart! Katterna är så himla söta, speciellt Baryshnikov:) Kram!/Karin

  7. When you think you've got bad luck, just think about them and feel strong. It isn't fair, but just keep smiling sweety!!!


  8. Åh vad ni är fina... Dina katter är nog de vackraste i världen, och det säger jag trots att jag har en egen liten älskling som är finast på sitt sätt, men dina är så fantastiskt fluffiga!!! ;) Baryshnik är så ståtlig och Biianka så elegant... Förstår att du älskar dem så mycket så mycket. Hoppas att du snart får komma hem till din kära familj igen! Massa kramar och lycka till!

  9. You do need to be surrounded by awesome people - always!
    What a beautiful cat!!
    Best wishes.

  10. Annika, I hope you will get healthy again soon and make beautiful lookbook post as you always did. I love your blog, looks and the way you look to the world. I'm from Istanbul and I can say mean spirited people are everywhere. They can say stupid things and don't care if that will to make you feel worse... but you know, my grandma always says that "if you know there are good people with you, don't ever mind the black hearted ones cause they probably never had what you always have: the feeling of being loved"
    i hope you will be better soon,

    LOOOOOOTS OF KISSES from istanbul,


  11. Älskar dina bilder, följer dig på Instagram och tycker att alla dina foton är underbara! Hoppas du blir frisk snart!! Många kramar!

  12. I'm thinking of you. Don't be Garbo, let us know how you're doing

  13. I wish you all the best, Annika! <3
    I missed your posts and your awesome kitties, they are such sweet creaturs!

    I appreciate you so much as a person.
    When I was walking today, I,ve realized that there is nothing more precious than my family, those who love me, really love me.
    So, keep smiling, dear, I know you,ll get through it all <3

  14. I wish you only the very best

  15. All my best wishes. And your cats are fricking beautiful!

  16. cuddles, love, & the comforts of home.

  17. Good luck with whatever reason requires leaving your haven of a home Annika. My thoughts turn to you frequently, as well as to your family, friends and loved ones. xxx

  18. Oh such a beautiful gorgeous kitty! I love the one of it asleep in the sink, how adorable.x

  19. all those pictures of you with your cat are sooo lovely !! I hope everything will go well for you and can't wait to have news from you again!

  20. I wish you so much health and happiness and a good start to the new year, I'm so happy you posted!

  21. Be brave Annika, I hope everything's gonna be ok ... I miss sooooooooo much all your posts ! Hope too see you back very soon ... Much love from France xxx

  22. I can see you are a lucky girl :) your cat is the cutest! :-D
    Wish you all the luck, savour those moments and hopefully, before you know it, you can enjoy them all over again! Fingers crossed here!

  23. Jag vill inte säga ngt fel, för sånt gör ju bara ont, jag vet.
    Så, du får ett hjärta istället. Jag och så många andra, tänker på dig.


  24. Ohh adorable pictures! ♥XOXO

  25. You really are lucky: you're the kind of person who cherishes every second. Too many people spend too much of their time complaining about what they don't have, rather than enjoying the things they do have.

    I hope you're well, beautiful.

  26. So glad to see a post from you, I hope things are as good as they can be. Take care. <3

  27. Good luck. I'll be thinking about you. Xoxo

  28. Wishing for all the best for you. Stay strong!

  29. Once again: stay strong! i'm praying hard to God, Nature or Whatever, but something have to be there to hear ;) My best wishes for you

  30. Good luck, lovely Annika! Wishing you all the happiness and strength! xx

  31. I would be tearing up if I hadn't already teared up three times today for the play I'm in, in which I play a bipolar patient in an insane asylum. But seriously, this is precious. I do hope you're able to return to your loving home soon. I think of you every day, and I wish you the best. You deserve it. Your cats look beautiful, and so do you. **kisses**

    With love,

  32. Yey, a post. Nice to hear from you. I hope you don't need to stay away to long! Hugs!

  33. Alla bilderna visar verkligen hur underbart ditt hus är! Hoppas för allt i världen att du blir frisk snart och får mysa ännu mer där !

    Puss från Petra

  34. I wish you the best Annika and hope to hear from you soon. Be strong and never give up...where here for you!

    Lots and lots of hugs!

  35. hope all is well.:)) xo

  36. I'll think of you, wishing you the best of luck.

  37. Thinking of you. Your cats are beautiful! xx

  38. I cheered a bit in my head when I saw you made a new post. I'm just so happy you're well enough to post.
    So sad that you'll have to leave your house, though.
    I am hoping and praying everyday for your recovery. I really hope they work.

  39. Dearest Annika,
    I just want to say that I am still thinking of you, praying for you, and wishing all the best of luck. I found this silly and sweet cat film on youtube and obviously thought of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKI-tD0L18A
    :) Big <3 as always /emma

  40. Jag ansluter mig till Team Annika! <3

  41. what a lovely home & such adorable cats! I'm praying & hoping that you can return home as soon as possible. Remember Annika, you are loved<3

  42. lycka till, tänker faktiskt på dig ofta och håller tummarna. ta hand om dig, kram j.

  43. Jepp, team Annika! Det kommer gå så bra!

  44. Love you. Thinking of you.

  45. It's always so nice to hear from you love! Hopefully the time away from home will fly by and before you know it you'll be back home with your kitties and you love :).


  46. Be brave...super brave, Annika!

    I'll be here wishing you the best <3


  47. Jag skriver inte lika många kommentarer längre, men tänkte att du skulle behöva det den här gången: jag tittar fortfarande in på din blogg så ofta jag kan för att se om något nytt hänt, hur du mår, och så vidare. Jag tror att det gäller de flesta. Det är svårt att skriva något när det är såhär. Jag håller tummarna för dig och hade jag känt dig hade jag kramat dig varenda dag, varenda minut! Lycka till, Annika!

  48. Just love your pics of beautiful siberian cats (have 2 my self Emilan and Jasha).

  49. Such a beautiful cat! I'm glad your surgery has gone well, all the best! xx

  50. hej hej! jag alskar faktum att du ar half svensk! :-) Cute cat, blog, you and gy! best wishes:)

  51. Nice cat and blog <3

    I follow you and invite you to my blog.
    radlewski.blogspot.com <3

  52. I love cats, yours are quite similar to mine.
    Cats are just lovely to have around.


  53. Lovely photos.

    I created a blog recently and I liked that you were seeing it.


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    Sweet Cherry.
