Monday, April 16, 2012

Does he walk around all day at school with his feet inside your shoes?

A way to tell that I'm slowly getting healthier and happier: I now wear clothes (other than sweatpants) almost every single day. Big improvement, I'll tell you. And I've started recognizing myself when I look in the mirror - well, even the fact that I sometimes do look in the mirror is a considerably huge step forward.

If I almost enjoy getting dressed nowadays, I can't imagine that I'll ever go back to wearing make up. Covering up my face seems unnatural and the very few times I've tried I've washed it off immediately. My skin is, without a doubt, grateful for this. I used to get terrible stress-induced rashes almost every week - they've disappeared completely. No complaints there!

Another way to tell that things are moving in the right direction is the fact that, once in a while, I make plans. For the future. Sure - whenever that happens, I panic for a minute, start thinking what if, what if, what if this is all far from over, what if I get bad news, I shouldn't plan ahead, shouldn't take things for granted, shouldn't, oh my gosh I can't breathe I can't breathe - but the feeling eventually passes, and I go back to thinking about my future with something that almost resembles excitement.


  1. Cooling! Beundrar dig! Du har fått många i min omgivning (inklusive mig) att ta cellprov och du har bidragit till att folk pratar om sjukdomen som kan följa om man inte gör det. TACK

  2. love the 4th photo! the outfit is beautiful. all of them. i'm so happy for you.
    hope you got my mail on fb.
    love, nastassja

  3. Jag är så himla glad för din skull Annika.

  4. You are amazing. I'm so happy for you! And I love the 5th and 6th pictures!

  5. I'm so happy that you are feeling better and brighter, and it is brilliant to see you getting happier!
    Kate x

  6. You're back! Better than ever! -you look super without make-up, more country fresh! x

  7. You look so pretty without make up.. I wish I was brave enough to stop wearing mine! As for the furture planning panics, totally with you there. It's good that you're working through it :) x

  8. Heja heja gumman, det går åt precis rätt håll. Jag är så glad och lättad att du mår bättre. Kramar i massor, Malin

  9. So, so happy for you. And you're beautiful without make-up :)
    Love, Meia

  10. so happy :]
    and of course, you're pretty as always :]

  11. Du är så vacker. På alla sätt. Och varje gång jag besöker din blogg får jag en spark i baken och ett stort inspirationslugn (om det nu finns något som kan heta så).
    All lycka till dig.

  12. Åh vad du är fin! Och stark.

  13. I'm so incredibly happy for you, you can't even imagine it. I came here every single day to find some good news, and now look at you, wearing pretty clothes and even smiling! It's such a relief to see you on the road of recovering. You're amazing, don't you ever dare to forget this :)

    Cheers, Lilia

  14. I'm so happy to hear this, and you're looking beautiful as ever. I have to say that reading your post all those months ago when you broke the news on your blog, made me go and book a smear test for myself, after several months of never getting round to it.
    Wishing you all the best <3

  15. Som nyss fyllda 23 fick jag nyligen min första kallelse till att ta ett cellprov, i vanliga fall hade jag lagt pappret i högen "ta tag i någon annan dag" men nu tog jag mig faktiskt i kragen och ringde och bokade tid. Nu är mitt första cellprov taget och jag kommer fortsätta att ta dessa varenda gång kallelsen kommer och det är tack vare dig. Du hjälper många människor och du är en stor inspirationskälla, jag hoppas innerligt att du förstår det!

  16. Det var ett tag sedan jag tittade in här nu, vad härligt att läsa att du verkar må bättre! Önskar dig allt det bästa och hoppas att du fortsätter att planera inför framtiden!

  17. happy to know that u are feeling better & happier now <3

  18. Dear Annika,

    I´m so soooooo glad that you are feeling better and you seem happier. Hope that everything is going to go a bit more peachy from now on. I really like the fact that you´re smilling more now.

    Big hugs, Geanina.

  19. YAY! :) look who's bringing sexy back? but i don't think it ever left. it's always inside you, beautiful annika. here's to hope.

  20. Im so happy for you, that things going the right way.

    Take good care of yourself.



  21. Så fint att det går framåt<3 Du ser även himla fin ut

  22. Dear Annika,
    You look wonderful and you inspire me and not only me, I guess.
    I love the 2nd picture - adorable, made me smile :) I love you kitties..)

    I,m glad to know that you feel better and are getting happier, you deserve it.
    Btw, you look so lovely without wearing any make up :)

    Wish you all the best <3

  23. glad to hear you're feeling better!!!

    lots of love

  24. Underbara bilder och du ser ju strålande ut. jag fullständigt älskar de två sista bilderna och nummer tre. och make up är inget för en skönhet. det är ju när man måste dölja skavanker det kan vara användbart.
    mycket kul att läsa dina fina meningar som är som små diamanter eller kanske mer som invecklade indiska mönster. eller paisley i ordform.

  25. Ahhhh.... you have bright eyes

  26. hey you know, actually I find that no make up suits you. it brings out your eyes in a strange way - or is that the spring sky? anyway, great to see you post more and... umm... where did you get the top you're wearing in the first picture??

  27. The last picture is beautiful - the smile is easy and you skin is glowing.
    I'm so happy to see that you are just being who you are :)

    Gems x

    Fashion, Well Done

  28. This is so nice to hear :) You look gorgeous without make-up! And I love your docs in the third picture.

  29. Jag är så himla glad att du mår bättre. Jag har verkligen saknat din blogg och dina kloka ord. Kram! /H

  30. First of all, it makes me sooooooooo so happy to hear that you are feeling healthier and happier :) You look very always!! You are truly an inspiration! :) Wish you the best!

    - Dimana

  31. This makes my heart so glad. I love you darling and hearing you say that you are happy makes me so glad. You look so beautiful!

  32. Your style is as amazing as ever. And as gorgeous as you look with that red lipstick that inspired me so much when I first stumbled upon your blog, you're a natural beauty. I have a feeling your future is going to be bright now. You deserve it more than anyone I can think of. I'll always be in awe of you!


  33. You look BEAUTIFUL! And I totally know what you mean about those what ifs! I read this really great book, Emotional Energy, which I totally recommend to you, well, to anyone really. And it helps with the what ifs! And the general obsessing!

    and I am so glad you are feeling better!!!

    heart: K

  34. I am so happy to know that you are recovering ^_^

    It is because we all love you so much that we won't let you go anywhere

    Much hugs and love
    Take care and hope you getting perfectly fine in no time.....Good that you are making plans, enjoy life to the fullest ^_^

  35. I don't know what happened in your past but good thing you are recovering or something like that. I just want to tell you that your first outfit is really nice and comfortable :) Smile!

  36. Många här ovan har redan vittnat om den härliga känsla man får när man märker hur du kvicknat till. Åh, vad det värmer - och bränner bakom ögonlocken.

    Klart att det kommer mörka frågor då och då. Men ta då och gå ut på tomten och se dig omkring, gå ner till sjön. Andas in luften och se på naturen, ta till dig lyckan av att få vara där du är (jag är likadan, jag längtar hem redan när jag hunnit till brevlådan). Sedan låtsas du att du med viljekraft kan få alla dessa lyckoatomer att sprida sig runt till varenda hörn av kroppen. Låt det få tag några minuter. Sen finns det inget elakt som har en suck!


  37. Åh, finaste Bright Eyes. Och fina du!

  38. Fantastic! Each month you regain more strength to be happier. So happy for you

  39. I just thought I'd let you know that my friend is also getting better.

    He got diagnosed with cancer in August. Beat that. Found out the cancer had spread in November. Beat that.
    Last Friday tests came back and showed that he had made a 98% recovery. I cried with joy.

    I am so so happy that you are better.

    All my love.

  40. You look so beautiful! I'm so glad to hear that you are getting better :)
    Sending you lots of love!

  41. Jag är SÅ HIMLA GLAD FÖR DIG! <3

  42. I'm so glad that things are starting to look up for you, Annika. It makes me glad to see you smiling :) Here's to your improving health and happiness!

    painted magnolias.

  43. Stay beautiful! We follow you! :)

  44. I just love you :) .. the person you are. and the fact that you don't wear makeup. oh:)
    do take care

  45. The cat photos are gorgeous and always appreciated! I've only discovered your blog recently, but think that you have the most beautiful way of writing, especially in relation to your dear friend Fanny. I hope you are doing ok. Just one step at a time xx

  46. You know, I wouldn't have guessed that you didn't have make up on! Your as gorgeous as you have ever been. Glad to see things are gradually getting back on track :D

  47. Make plans no matter what happens, you must always keep a goal in front of you. Think about your improvements and what you can do, and never forget to rest.

  48. I'm so happy that you talk about fashion again on your blog ! :) I really miss it :( The fourth picture is amzing, you look so beautiful on it ! Hope you'll post again about fashion ! xxxx

  49. you look pretty in every outfits! glade you're back :D

  50. Man blir så glad av att se dessa bilder på dig! Dem där blekta/stentvättade jeansen såg exceptionellt bra ut på dig, lite som att dem var skapade åt dig :)

  51. Åh A, jag känner dig inte. Men det känns som att jag vill ge dig en stor kram. Jag vill också gå utanför dörren nu, eller bara resa mig upp och ta en dusch. Pepp.

  52. Du kan ha på dig en sopsäck och ändå förbli Sveriges vackraste kvinna x

  53. Cute cat. Pretty girl.

  54. Annika, you are so uniquely beautiful, kindhearted and smart. I wish you all the best in life, I wish we could be friends!

    -a girl from finland

  55. you are beautiful as always. i love the first outfit, so casual but still chic! cannot tell you how happy i'm to see you doing that huge steps forward. big kisses

  56. You look so adorable! And I looooove your cat! :DDD

