Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bye Bye Birdie?

Nature sure is cruel. This pretty birdie was given wings, it could fly anywhere in the world it wants to go - but it's also stuck a brain with so little sense of orientation that it can't even find its way out of a room with no less than two wide open doors.

Biianka doesn't think this is cruel at all. She thinks it's awesome. Because she happens to find the taste of birds deeee-lish, and she especially appreciates when dinner practically comes flying straight into her mouth.

(Luckily, this all ended well for our little friend the bird. Biianka chased it, making the poor thing bump into window after window, until it finally - thank goodness - came across one of the open doors and flew outside. And Bii might be able to jump really high, but as we all know: for birds, the sky is the limit.)


  1. Dina katter är så himla vackra, vad är dom för ras?

  2. Maria, right? It's heartbreaking!

    Carolin, tack snälla! De är verkligen de vackraste katterna jag träffat, och tro mig, jag är heeeeeelt opartisk i den här frågan. ;) De är sibiriska katter, den bästa rasen (återigen, opartisk!!!).

  3. how sweet!

    Meena ♥

  4. omg I'm so sad after seeing 1st photo:<

  5. omg... the bird is so nice.....
    and we love your cat!!!

  6. I remember I saw how my cat had dinner like these. It's very cruel!

  7. Love the t-shirt in the last post. Love love love it.

  8. Poor thing, hopefully it's allright now!

  9. Nature, cats doesn't care about how we humans feel about the birds. We Do want them to catch mice and scare away rats, but not to harm the beutiful birds.

  10. Laurente - whaaaat! I don't want my cats to catch mice! It's disgusting when they do that. Poor, poor mice. And I'm pretty sure it's the rats who scare the kitties, and not the other way around.

  11. aww, I feel so sorry for that bird - but atleast it managed to find it's way out eventually.

  12. Har Liknande Problem På Min Veranda. Ingen Katt Dock. Men Fåglar Som Flög In Och Sedan Inte Kunde Hitta Ut. Nu Har Jag Tätat Igen Springan Strax Under Taket Där De Kom In - Med Vita Lakan Och Handdukar. Inga Fåglar Som Knockat Rutorna Och Ingen Fågel Som Dött. I År. Vackert.

    Kram X
