Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Update from my cell phone: I had my surgery today - an interesting way to start my 28th year! - and it went really well. My mom is by my side, being such an incredible support, and I'm not even in that much pain. (Then, on the other hand, I'm not sure the anesthesia has worn off completely yet...)

Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes, they mean the world to me!



  1. Here`s to a smooth recovery! >'.'<

  2. I just realised that I did the same as you some years ago. I laid down on the operating table on my birthday to remove a melanoma from my back. I was awake during the procedure and had the pleasure (?) of hearing the surgeon exclaiming: "This has to be the toughest skin in Northern Europe – the needles won't go through it!"
    Today it's only a big scar (which doesn't bother me), and I hope that you will heal as quickly as I did.
    Get well and hug the cats!

  3. happy birthday once again! you know that we do love you :*

  4. glad everything went well :) get better soon!


  5. get well soon!!!! xxx, saskia :)

  6. You need not update us with your situation right after your surgery but I really appreciate it. Now that's not just blogging, it's showing your readers some love! Hoping for your fast recovery Annika! Power Hugs! <3

  7. Oh goodness, I missed that surgery reference (I don't know how I could've. I have issues with my cervix area as well. If it's not too personal to ask, what kind of surgery was it? If it is, no worries at all!) I wish you the absolute best in recovery. I'll be going under the knife myself on Thursday. Stupid jawbone....here's to being loopy from sedation!

  8. good, now get some rest. that's an order!

  9. a lot of love from mexico and remember everything its gonna be ok

  10. Skönt att höra!

    Krya på dig och ta hand om dig själv!

    Kram Petra

  11. Annika, good to see you are doing well! I completely missed the surgery reference you made, so if you don't mind, what was the surgery for? I was very nervous for a surgery I was supposed to have but I didn't since they said surgery is difficult for someone as young as me in the area of trouble. I hope you heal soon! I love you and your blog!

  12. My dear annika!! Im so glad to know your mommy is next to you and your surgery went well... Im sure you will be back on action very soon... ! Also Happy Birthday!! Mine is in november too <3
    All my love and best wishes

  13. So glad to hear that everything went well...

    Feel better soon sweet Annika! <3

  14. I hope you make a fast recovery! I'm glad the surgery went well! **kisses**


  15. Happy Birthday sweet, sending lots of healing force your way. x

  16. So glad to hear the surgery went well, and thank you so much for doing the interview with us!

  17. THATS MA GIRL!!!! Well done baby! Love you, so proud of you!
    I'm like RIGHT next to you too in spirit... your mum looks amazing... you look pretty hot considering too!!! snort!!!
    Whatsapp the shit out of me when your out okay! THANK YOU!

  18. Glad it went well! Take care of yourself. Xoxo

  19. I haven't been online in a few days, which really sucks.

    but happy birthday Annika. I hope that this year is better than the last for you. you inspire me so much; I've so much love for you.


  20. have a speedy recovery and get well soon!!! <3

  21. Get better soon!!

  22. I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well. If I had the chance, I would be there, supporting you. I think we all would.
    Get better soon! Tons of hugs,

  23. Vad skönt att höra att allt gått bra. Krya på dig!

  24. Get well soon!
    Lots of love from Russia <3

  25. Happy belated birthday & many get well wishes coming your way.

  26. I'm so with Jeenee on this one.

    Jag vet inte hur pass påfrestande återhämtningsperioden kan vara i sådana här fall, men jag hoppas att den åtminstone är så pass hygglig att du kan spendera dina kommande dagar nedbäddad i soffan, framför otaliga avsnitt av Grey's Anatomy eller Glee eller kanske till och med The Singing Detective. Sådana dagar är guld värda när man inte är hundra procent. I vilket fall som helst: Get well, Annika.

  27. Hey Annika! So you also had a surgery? Same here, haha! Recovery sucks, but hopefully yours will be much better than mine so far. Also, Happy Birthday to you and it's always great to have your family with you while your recovering :)
