Friday, November 11, 2011

Tiny, round and delicious.

I don't like to cook. Sure, I do it, and the food always (ok, usually) turn out good - but I don't enjoy it. It's sort of a vicious cycle; because I don't like doing it I can never bring myself to until I'm so hungry I can barely stand up, and then how could it be pleasurable? I wobble at the stove, trying to make the ingredients cook faaaaster by giving them the evil eye, and when it's finally done I wolf it down, barely tasting it.

Except when it comes to pancakes. I love making - and eating - pancakes, always have - especially these small Swedish ones called "plättar". You eat them with jam and a glass of milk and they're delicious. Luckily, my boyfriend loves them too, so he doesn't mind that they're pretty much all I cook! I guess they're techincally more of a dessert, since they're not exactly full of healthy nutrition and protein, but it's my favorite thing to have for lunch.

Do you guys like to cook, or do you have one dish that you consider your "specialty" and that you could eat at least once a week for the rest of your life? (Or maybe that's just me!)


  1. I love pancakes too. greats pictures:)

  2. I'm just like you. I don't really like to cook. But I love pancakes! :)

    But I think it is quite nice to cook for friends. Or for my boyfriend. If he is home it is at least a bit funnier to cook. But if I'm alone I just eat a sandwich. Haha!


  3. Pics are So lovely and homey)))
    i like to cook, but only when I am in the mood for it. which happens couple of times a week.

  4. Hehe, those are the daintiest pancakes ever!

  5. Share the recipe, please, please :)

  6. I like cooking when there are nice ingredients. =D Love making pancakes....but if there's one thing I want to eat at least once a week, it's a chilled pasta salad. Made up of, well...pasta, some kind of edible green leaves, feta, and peppadews! Sprinkled with pepper...coz I is pepper maniac...aaaaaaa....oh no.....hungry.....*o*

  7. I love to make any type of Pasta and your pancakes looks delicious, would love some right now

  8. KÖTTFÄRSSÅS! Det skulle jag kunna äta minst tre gånger i veckan och gärna även som bröllopsmiddag. Det är ju så himsket gott!

  9. wow looks delicious!!!! love pancakes too :)

  10. Jag undrar varför plättar är mycket godare än pannkakor? Det borde ju smaka samma. Eller så är det för att jag är för snål för att köpa ett plättjärn och totalt romantiserar minnena av plättar i barndomen. Pannkakor däremot, kan jag steka när som helst.

    Min specialrätt är fisksoppa! Superenkelt, gott och mättande och kan varieras i oändlighet. Till vardags: fryst block, lök, buljong, lite krossad tomat. Till fest: färsk blandad fisk, saffran, vin, räkor, aioli...

  11. I like cooking, my favorite is marinated chicken with aprikots inside. For a dessert I prefer applecakes and pear cakes with cacao or créime fraiche.

  12. I am the same with pancakes and cooking - pancakes is all I ever want to cook! They`re just so fun and yummy! Mine don`t look so perfect like yours do though!


  13. Those pancakes are so cute! They remind me of a scene in Benny&Joon where Sam (played by my ultimate crush Johnny Depp) made grilled cheese sandwiches with a flat iron. Haha! I wonder if I can make some with a flat iron too. :)

    Oh, and I love to cook! I've been cooking for my family since I was 10. Though I don't think I have a "specialty" that I can eat for the rest of my life (because I believe that variety is a key to being healthy)but I just love noodles so much that I don't mind having them everyday for the rest of my life. :)

  14. I love to cook cakes, and that's all I can actually. Love pancakes! Never saw the little once! They look delicious! Glad you boyfriend likes it!

  15. Same here, I usually start cooking when I am already too hungry, and I adore making pancakes, or rather crèpes, they are my favourite by far!!!

  16. Jag säger bara: varma mackor med tomatpuré, skinka, ost, gröna oliver och oregano. Det kan jag äta flera gånger i veckan, mest för att det faktiskt är det enda jag kan laga utan att faila, och så är jag svag för gröna oliver :D

  17. oh gosh I detest cooking! It's just plain boring and the results of it - however tasty - disappear in the twinklikng of an eye, so what's the point? Nevertheless, I make quite tasty pizzas :) I know it's a fastfood, but I guess since it's homemade, it's not that high-calorie dish. And the receipe is really simple. If you ever feel like making a pizza, drop me line! :))

    Agata (

  18. I love cooking :) As a vegetarian I like to try different things such as tofu, konnyaku, vegetarian chicken ... and I love asian cuisine, especialy japanese&korean one so I love experimenting with asian recipes :) But for some reason, I'm not really good at baking. :/
    It's my first time commenting on a blog, but yours is so lovely and so are you that I think I'll start to ;)
    love from Paris.

  19. Roasted peppers with garlic, balasmic and olive oil. I love cooking but for a standby yummy, this is it

  20. Åhåhå. Tittar in för första gången idag och ser de sjukt snygga Jeffrey Campbellarna som jag själv beställde igår.

  21. I don't mind cooking if it's just for me- if anyone else is there then I get highly paaranoid I am doing it wrong or they wont like it. I'm quite boring though- limited dishes- vermicelli with tofu or prawns, thai green veg curry or thai green chicken curry or spaghetti bolognaise, then a green and tomato pasta combo!

  22. Jag brukade tycka så himla mycket om att laga mat, baka och allt där emellan. Har föräldrar som sedan jag var liten alltid bakat eget bröd och kokat äppelmos och sylt och saft och lagat mat från scratch, så jag har lärt mig av dem och var/är ganska duktig på det också. Egentligen. Men sedan jag lärde mig kalori-innehållet i ungefär varenda råvara och maträtt man kan tänka sig har det blivit sämre på den fronten. Kan inte erkänna för varken mig själv eller andra att jag egentligen tycker om mat och matlagning. Det var några år sedan jag riktigt kunde njuta av varken tillagning eller ätandet. Idag blev det riskakor istället. Önskar jag kunde äta lite plättar.

  23. oh my these pancakes look so splendid, and what a lovely lovely kitty.

    <3 rae

  24. i don't cook :p don't know how to do much more than the basics :P

    BUT I adore making and eating pancakes too!!! :D Those look soooo yummy!

  25. Your pancakes look really delicious!
    I really like to prepare wok dishes. Just cut some vegetables you like and put in in the wok-pan (don't know if this is the correct English word), add pieces of salmon or chicken or shrimp or something else you like and also add some cream and mozzarella. Boil some pasta and you're done! It's so easy and really good.

  26. Well, actually pancakes (or plättar, for that matter) aren't so bad nutritionwise as you might think. Both milk and eggs contain protein, and also a lot of other nutrients (I think egg contains all vitamins except vitamin C, actually).
    (And the vitamin C, you'll probably get from the jam! :D)

    Also, I think you should try to stock up with nuts and dried fruit or something like that - some kind of nutrient-rich-snack. Then you can take som of that if you've gone post-poning the cooking far to long and are all dizzy.

    Or you could hire me as you're private dietitian and cooking coach! ;) I'm very into food, and I know quite a few tricks that makes cooking more fun and eating healthy (healthy as in getting more nutrients, that is, not as in loosing weight since that isn't what's healthy for most people) without even noticing the food is "healthy", just that it's "yummy".

    Anyway, those plätts look awesome.

  27. I have to confess that usually my boy ends up cooking!! I dont enjoy that part... sometimes I just have to do it!! Actually your food images always LOOK good, hope they taste the same ;D

  28. love your cat!!))

  29. När jag var liten tyckte jag nästan inte om nån mat alls. Allt som liknade pannkaka gick dock ner. Jag hävdade att pannkaka, plättar, ugnspannkaka och våfflor var helt olika maträtter och kunde ätas varje måltid.

  30. Jag gör nästan alltid stekta kycklingfiléer med klyftpotatis och sås baserad på turkisk yoghurt.. en annan paradrätt är en bönröra som jag har i wraps. Det är väldigt näringsrikt och gott.

  31. The dutch make tiny pancakes like this too only we call them poffertjes and sprinkle powdered sugar on them.

  32. These look delicious
    and I love your sweater and glasses in these :)

    - Sydney xo

  33. love pancakes - they're my guilty pleasure.
    how do you retain such a good shape with the pancakes? mine are always delicious but funnily shaped.

  34. Yuum, looks delicious, and that cat is really cute!! xoxo

  35. I love plättar. Especially äppel plättar!

    I absolutely love food, watching cooking shows, reading about it, eating it, and cooking it!

    Food is something we all need in life, so I've made it my hobby to cook (I need to eat don't I?!) 2 birds with one stone if you ask me.

    I like to bake too, but I'm not a sweet tooth, so unfortunately I have to cut down on that as there is no one around to eat all the kladdkakor or chocolate cakes I could be producing! ;)

  36. I like cooking - as long as I don't have to do it every day. But I love making pancakes or muffins! and I would be so glad if you could tell me your swedish pancake recept..that would be GREAT! love your blog ♥

  37. Super starkt att du gar ut i media. Jade Goody gjorde det i England och fick 10.000-tals kvinnor att ga och test sig. Hennes legacy till eftervarlden.

    Denna artikel har sakert raddat manga liv!

    Kampa pa, jag sander mangar styrkande kramar.


  38. Came over from Clothes Cameras and Coffee :) I don't like to cook either, unless it is breakfast food. I also LOVE pancakes (although I make mine pretty big)...and waffles, and eggs and bacon, and french toast, etc. etc. :) I have found to be extremely helpful for cooking dinners, but I still do not enjoy cooking. So I'm pretty much right on board with you here! :)
