Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sun-drenched memories.

Sure, I might complain a lot about the summer heat, but seeing these photos, I'm ready to take it all back. I can't even being to explain how much I miss it! I miss the long days, the sensationally beautiful light, my summer wardrobe; I miss the green, the flowers, the bare legs. Hell, I even miss the bugs! (Nope, that was a lie.)

It's no wonder I can't take any pretty outfit photos anymore - I never get dressed in anything but sweatpants except when I go somewhere for the day, and when I come back, it's already pitch black outside. Not to mention that winter is starting to creep up on us, and the heavy coats and layers of thick woollen tights don't seem to translate that well onto photos. It's hard to imagine that I actually posted new outfits every day for months!

And also... I can't help thinking that I was happier back then. I know, intellectually, that things weren't better. But I don't think I was this sad, this low. Maybe I'm just fooling myself, I can't tell. All I know is that I would love to close my eyes, mutter a spell under my breath and be back in one of those sun-drenched photographs. Mosquito bites and all.


  1. Vitamine D honey, this is what makes us happier, honey. ;)
    Plus the birds singing and being outside in the fresh air a lot, it unconsciously reminds us of being a child again and running around and having fun, the bright colors, the fresh nutritious food, everybody's being more relaxed and enjoying life.. this is what I think makes us feel better. And I've got the same issue, I see myself much more happy during spring, summer and early autumn.
    Think of what always makes you happy when it's cold outside and do that a lot! :)

  2. Awww...I know how you feel. I complain about the summer heat all the time. And, really, I don't like summer that much. I guess I would if it wasn't so boring and hot. If it makes you feel any better, all us other fashion bloggers can relate. I'm starting to get real creative with my layers :P It's hard to stay cute when you're wearing 324893 things. Haha

    Castle Fashion

  3. Quite true, I miss summer too... When I wake up early in the morning to walk my dog, the light is so bright that it looks like summer, even though it`s very cold. So i just open the window, and without looking down at the frozen ground and trees, i look up at the morning sky. The sky always looks the same when the sun is out, summer or winter.


  4. It isn't too cold here in Spain yet but it's time to start wearing warmer clothes... I hate spending so much time deciding what I'll wear today... It's much easier in Summer, when all you have to do is to choose a dress. Best part of winter is staying at home with a cup of tea, a blanket and a love movie!


  5. amaaaazinh looks!!!


  6. Those are really beautiful shoots, i enjoy taking shoots under the sun, and the beautiful sun shines in every picture. Wonderful! xoxo

  7. gorgeous pictures ! i like this blog ! :)

  8. What a beautiful nostalgic look back on this past summer! I am missing summer so much, as well, especially since for me, the summer was spent in a brand new place all across my country. I have so many amazing memories. Now it is so cold and I want it all back! But next summer will be here soon enough!


  9. I hate winter and I'm quite preoccupied with how I'm gonna take outfit pics :) but I guess dressing up for the blog is reason enough, and it makes you feel better. maybe you can find the time to take pics in the afternoon, the light is quite pretty then!

  10. beautiful and warm photos, love them

  11. spectacular photos annika! if you want sun & bugs come to texas. they're waiting for you. we seriously got bit by mosquitoes on halloween night. yesterday we woke up to a huge dead bug on our wooden floor.

  12. I have Seasonal Affective Disorder though we don't have Winter season here I still feel down as the Christmas season gets closer (and colder). I can only imagine how hard it is to fight the real "WINTER" blues. I try to go out as much as possible to get some sunlight which is not that hard because I live in a tropical country. I know nothing about the weather there in Sweden but if you don't want to go outside you might want to consider getting a light therapy lamp. I wish you well Annika. Power hugs! <3

  13. Det är mycket möjligt att du har världens vackraste höfter. Och som många redan påpekat - ljuset i bilderna är spektakulärt. Skaffade photoshop idag. Nu ska jag äntligen lära mig bildredigering!

  14. Wow all of these outfits and photos are amazing! You have sucha great style! xxx

  15. you look absolutely beautiful! i love your outfits! and i know i miss summer too :(

  16. I think this is the first time I've posted here, but I've been following this blog since it began, which, I know, wasn't very long ago!

    I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling low. The winter can do that to some people (though I know you're struggling through some other challenges too.) :( I know how you feel, I live in Canada (and not near the American border either.) The sun sets here by five and is going to continue to set earlier until December 21st. =/

    I hope that you're enjoying your time off. I enjoy reading you posts, even if they're not fashion related! :)Please take care of your health!

    <3 Sarah

  17. oh i know what you mean i miss summer!!! it gets dark here so soon it is depressing but your photos are always so beautiful, just post whenever you feel like it because you have such awesome style :)

  18. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling has happy, Annika! :S

    I hope you'll get better soon :D


  19. you weren't better then, but you will be better.

    one day, these sun-drenched photos will translate directly into your life.

  20. Some perfect summer outfit inspirations there! Just beautiful!

  21. This suggestion's probably annoying/stupid but have you thought of getting a SAD lamp? My mood definitely changes from summer to autumn, darker days, etc and it helped me. x hivenn

  22. really really nice atmosphere in the pictures!

  23. I really love your style!!! It's so girly and pretty!! ♥

  24. You will feel better one day or the other, the winter can be warm as well, once you are sitting indoors by the fire or with warm elements, or when you are skiing or skating(just the snow would have the good taste of coming soon). And you can always dress up indoors, the summer wont come in a while, for worse and better.

  25. So wonderful! This really makes me miss the summer even more.
    You're so beautiful!
    Big hug!

  26. Hej!

    Jag vet att mycket av dina känslor grundar sig på helt andra saker än vad jag kommer prata om nu, men jag kör på ändå.

    Förra vintern var jag supertrött och ledsen på det mesta, fast jag egentligen inte hade någon riktig anledning. Jag tror att mycket berodde på den extremt långa och mörka vinter vi hade.

    Så i år har jag börjat äta d-vitamin. Det är i princip omöjligt att överdosera. Jag äter tabletter med D3-vitamin som innehåller 5000 enheter (en solig dag får man i sig ca. 10 000 enheter). Än så länge känner jag inte alls av förra årets trötthet och nedstämdhet på samma sätt.

    Ville bara tipsa! Sköt om dig! Kram <3

  27. WHat color lipstick are you wearing in these photos? I love it.

  28. Åh sommarbilder, känns så längesen redan!

  29. Wow, you look awesome,what an adorable sweetheart! You look freaking awesome in these pictures, are so stylish and you never fail to impress us.I love all your attires!!

  30. You are hot hot hot! And oh, I miss the summer time (although I like autumn too). And so I want to send you lots of hugs.

  31. these are such gorgeous photos! really inspiring

  32. I couldn't agree more, the fact that it gets dark so early really throws a wrench in doing just about anything outside, including taking photos! I'll be counting down until the days are long again for sure.

    PS, that sequined shift looks ahh-mazing on you!

  33. you are absolutely gorgeous and amazing photography on your blog! you must be a model, right? so jealous! love your style, and love your posts. following!

  34. love the header and these looks, wonder-, wonderful <3

  35. lovely and super chic

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  36. Lovely photos, and, hell, you're gorgeous. Seeing you n vogue and time soon??!:)

    Happy new year,


  37. Your leopard heels are gorgeous! What brand are they??? I am usually searching for a budget version of designer trends, so I d totally love to either try to find this exact pair or a great imitation to report about on my blog!

    Love, Incognista.
