Thursday, October 13, 2011

Driving straight into that brick wall.

The song that has meant the most to me. It literally saved my life when I was 18. And it made me realize what I wanted out of life: no lies, just love.

I can't remember how much I've told you about what's put me in this place where I'm at today, health-wise. If you're interested, here's a "short" summary:

I have suffered from depression and panic attacks for the past fifteen years of my life. I've also been very self destructive, my eating disorder being one of many examples of that, though I'm fairly certain my persistant depression has been the root of all evil. Everything else has simply been my way of coping, of distracting myself from getting to the bottom of my problems and actually dealing with them.

When I graduated from university as a journalist, in 2008, I really wanted to get my life together. More than that, I wanted to be someone. A success. I wanted to be that person people talk about and say "that girl, wow, she's really one to watch!". And you know what? It turned out I was really good at my job. Plus, there was a slot - right there! - just waiting to be filled by someone like me: A young woman, a talented writer (yes, I just called myself talented) who was extremely passionate about issues concerning young people, and who wasn't afraid to share her own experiences with anyone who'd listen. One great offer led to another, and then another, and then suddenly I was doing all of those things I had been dreaming about. All at once. Because who the hell was I to say no? To turn down offers others would do anything for? Na-ah. No was not a part of my vocabulary.

In the summer of 2009, I worked day and night. Quite literally. I worked for 20 hours a day and it still wasn't enough. I couldn't keep up. And so, I started getting sick. Severe pneumonia, gastritis, strange allergic reactions, migraines that just wouldn't go away. My body was shouting at the top of its inflamed lungs, begging me to slow down, and what did I do? I told it to shut the f**k up. I was on my way to reaching all of my goals, faster than I could ever have imagined! I was going to be someone! People said on the radio that I was the one to watch, that they expected great things of me!

Then it was Saturday morning, one of the last days of August 2009, and it had all come to an end. I woke up in a hospital bed and it was over. The day before, my body and brain had both decided to shut down, to steer the speeding train that was my life straight into a brick wall (okay, figuratively).

During the months that followed, I could not write one sentence without throwing up violently from the pain in my head. Quite a few times, I was certain my skull was actually splitting open. Still, I kept the two continuous writing assignments that meant the most to me: my columns in Sofis mode and my columns in Aftonbladet. More than once, I wrote these columns in the bathroom, throwing up every few minutes. I took me nearly six months of intense therapy to realize this situation wasn't working. I gave up the columns that were by far the hardest on me - those in Aftonbladet, Scandinavia's largest newspaper - and I left Stockholm for a completely different life, way out in the countryside. This was where I was supposed to change my perspectives on things. To find myself. To heal.

One month before Ronnie and I move into our new house. My best friend in the world, the one person I've been closer to than anyone or anything in my entire life, find out she's dying from cancer.

That happened.

She has been dead for one year and twenty-two days and I guess you could say my healing process was sort of thrown off track. I have no idea what my life would have been like right now if she had not gotten sick. Maybe I would still be struggling with recovering from my violent crash into that imaginary brick wall, maybe I would be the epitome of harmony and health.

We'll never find out. Because she's gone and the loss of her has changed me. I could write for hours about why her death is so impossible for me to handle, but there's a time for that and that time is not now. I will simply say that half of my heart belonged to her and I still haven't been able to figure out how to keep on living with only half a heart. And I'm a pretty freakin' long way away from harmony and health. But I'm trying. I'm trying with all my might and even though I feel like I keep taking two babysteps forward and giant leap back, I know I'm not. Every day is a day closer to the life I want to be living. And as long as I manage to stay alive, I know I will get there.

Because I have changed my perspective on things. I no longer wish to be somebody. I truly don't. All I wish is to be me, whoever that person might be, no matter if she's the one to watch or the girl in the corner noone pays any attention to. I have been that girl in the corner, and if I could go back in time and talk to her, I would tell her this:

"It's not all going to be fine. You know life is hard and fifteen years from now, it's still not going to be a walk in the park. But you are strong, you will survive, and more than that: you will be loved. You will find a girl who is the most fascinating, inspiring, beautiful, colorful person you could ever imagine, the kind of person who is lit up from the inside with a glow that chases away any darkness, and she will pick you to be her love, her best friend, her sister. Out of everyone in the world, she will pick you. You will choose eachother. No doubts, no holding back.

And then you will meet a man who's so talented, passionate and creative it blows your mind, a man who makes you feel like anything is possible - I know it sounds cheesy, but the first time you look into his eyes, you will see the future. His and yours. And you know what? He will also pick you. You will choose eachother.

From these two people, you will get more love than you ever thought possible. You will get to experience the kind of love that makes a person believe in God. You will love them with all of your heart, all of your soul, with everything that you are. And they will love because you are you and noone else. Because of everything you've been through that made you who you are. None of this, what you are forced to experience right now and what you will have to deal with in the future, is in vain.

Oh, and one more thing: Just remember that the love you share will never be lost. Even if you lose the person that is closest to you, the love you have for eachother will always be with you. Always. Love conquers death. Don't you ever forget that."

Yes. This is a short summary, believe it or not. It's a fraction, a fragment, a tiny glimpse of what has brought me where I am today.

Some of you have been asking how it's going with the university course in creative writing that I was supposed to take this fall. The answer is: I dropped out. Partly because it was a lot more basic than I had expected, and I just didn't see myself benefitting from it at all; partly because it turned out to require a lot more time and energy than I possess at this time in my life. I need to focus on what's important. On taking care of myself, on my baby steps towards the life I want. A couple of years ago, I would probably have finished the course anyway, since I couldn't stand thinking of myself as a quitter. Today, I couldn't care less. Health Comes First. It really is as simple as that.


  1. beautiful song i love it ciao bella...

  2. The first thing that came to my mind after reading this was to say, "Look at that entire post you wrote Annika and think back to the time just a few short years ago when you couldn't write a whole sentence before vomiting. Look what you can do now!" I really truly enjoy reading your blogs not just for the physical beauty you are, but for the inner beauty as well. It's kinda funny to think that once you stop trying to be SOMEBODY and become YOURSELF.There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking the time out to enjoy your own life, to make your own path, and let the world be content to meet you on your own time.

  3. you've always been someone, but you don't need me to tell you that, because we all are, someone. i want to say yes to life, & to new experiences, but sometimes saying no is the most liberating thing i can do. by saying no to one thing, it's almost like i'm making room for something more i can say yes to. <3

  4. hi honey your writing is great and also your pics just stunnig, i am anon because i don't have a blog but i follow u from day one and read all your post, all amazing ,actually you are amazing, smart ,funny and sooooo beautiful,
    i have to read your post everyday because you put what i feel, into words, you are like music , you open up my emotion. anyway sweetheart i hope u can see how amazing u are, i wish u can experience you like how i can , without judging yourself , then u will think damn i am fabulous
    because u are fabulous and even if i don't know u in real life i am sure i will think the same if i met u.

  5. Så vackert, så sorgligt, så rakt på sak. Jag älskar hur du skriver Annika. Och jag hoppas att du en dag snartsnartsnart får må riktigt bra, du är så värd det!

  6. Hi. I've been a long-time reader, but I don't think I've ever posted a comment.
    I'm so glad you posted this. It was an incredibly intense read, and it hit me pretty hard since I can relate to a bit of what you been through. Loss is so hard and depression is like a constant weight on your shoulders, man have I been there. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with my life at the moment, I feel like things will never turn around for me. But reading this really helped me see that I need to be more positive about my future.
    I truly am sorry for your loss and even though I don't know you, I'm really happy you're in a better place, at least physically. The emotional stuff will get better, given time. Thanks for this.

  7. I find it so incredible that you dare to open up like this, to us. In real life I will never be able to be so honest to myself and others. You truly inspire me annika, and I whish you all the best and luck in your journey. I'm convinced you'll eventually reach your goal.

    loads of love from Holland

  8. Annika, det är så himla fint att få läsa dina texter. Du är verkligen en förebild när det kommer till att kämpa och vara stark, och det vill jag verkligen tacka dig för. Det har hjälpt mig så mycket att läsa dina texter. Du har fått mig att tänka till och att, faktiskt, sätta hälsan först.

    Jag började läsa dig när du skrev beautifulones och det är jag jätteglad för.

    Tack, Annika, för all inspiration och styrka du ger <3

  9. This is simply stunning. You're an amazing person, you truly are. I hope you continue to babystep until you get there. Wish the best for you, Annika!

    YOUR EYES LIE GIVEAWAY at my blog!

  10. This kind of candidness is what i like the most from you. I look up to you Annika. I won't say much more. Here's a power hug from me to you! <3

  11. When I read what you write is like you are reading my mind... I work so hard every day ( and night ) to reach what I want and I feel like nothing is enough... I guess I still have a lot to learn in life...<3

  12. It breaks my heart to read your text, life is really hard. I've just come through one intense year of therapy and long term sick leave after family crisis' from hell and a slow build up to full burn out.

    And amazingly...I am now feeling better. And actually kind of free! Even though all my loss and grief is still present, it doesn't eat me alive anymore.

    It is possible to get through it, I believe in you! And I love your blog. Take care!

  13. Yet another amazing post :) I hope that one day I'll het to experience that feeling of being loved for who I am as well. But you definitely deserve all the love you get :)

  14. These are my favorite posts. I understand if they're difficult for you to write, but I love them. Just wanted to tell you that. And, oh! Love your office. Xoxo

  15. As I'm new to your blog all this is new to me. All I can say is you're a very brave and determined woman. x

  16. look at you. you are someone. you are a beautiful writer and you inspire people from all over the world. people going through rough patches, who need somebody to tell them about their experiences and how they got through them.

    you are beautiful, so beautiful. and you are my inspiration.

  17. What a beautiful song, thanks for sharing girl :)

    Peace & Love.

    Jimely Rosas.

  18. I stumbled upon your blog through lookbook and have been pretty much hooked since. You write so beautifully Annika, and I never would have guessed from all your previous post the hardship in life you had to go through. From dealing with depression to the loss of your bestfriend.
    I'm only 18 years old and am still in college, I'm far from graduating but I've always had the mindset to be 'somebody' as soon as possible. Being a nobody in the future use to be a scary thought for me. Not until I read this. Needless to say, this post was really inspiring and it really taught me something. So thank you so much :) & good luck to your journey in finding harmony and health, all your readers love and support you!

    By the way, I'm from Malaysia. Bet you didn't know you had a reader from all the way here! ;)

  19. Wow, just... wow.
    This is what I love about blogging. It's so real and you can tell. Just your experiences, I know they've made you stronger than ever before.
    Thank you Annika for sharing, it's touched me so much.
    Just, thank you.

  20. Så himla bra skrivet. <3 Allt du förklarar har jag genom att läsa dina texter nu förstått på senare tid. Men då, 2007, 2008, 2009 så trodde jag att du bara var Perfekta Annika. Helt seriöst, jag kunde för allt i världen inte förstå hur någon så talangfull och vacker ens behagade blicka in på min svartvitlila blogg. Det låter som att jag hade dåligt självförtroende, men det hade jag absolut inte. Jag tyckte bara att du var något utöver det vanliga. Och det är du, allvarligt talat. Men på ett annat sätt än jag uppfattade då.

  21. Dearest Annika,

    may I make a humble suggestion? Whenever you feel like noone cares about you, like everything is lost, like there is no point with life, then please go back to this page and read the comments. And practically all the comments on enarly all the former entries.

    THIS might just be your point in life, or at least one of the points (being alive and being loved and to love are others). You give hope to so many readers and to so many more who have not yet found the words to express how much and how deeply you move them by sharing your story.

    I firmly believe that Fanny is watching you constantly, proud of you for finding a way to draw something positive out of her untimely and incredibly unfair death - to be more grateful for your own life, to be able to appreciate what you have and who you are, and thus to inspire others.

    No life is in vain, and if you believe in destiny like I do and if you believe that none of us is born in order to be unhappy but instead to find bliss sooner or later, then if hopehopehope that you will be able to see this point and the difference you make on this planet.

    You ARE someone. You are Annika, a beautiful person and writer who reaches out to other people.

    Thank you for being you.

    Kramar, Saskia.

  22. Dear Annika,
    Sometimes I think, just for a moment, that you have a perfect life. You've got lovely family, friends and a great boyfriend, you live in a beautiful house (as far as I've seen in the pictures ;) and you are a blogger with quite a lot followers and, more important, a very good writer.
    But, you're life (how cruel sounds that?) isn't perfect.
    And that makes you real.

    I'm a girl, 14 years old. The girl in the corner. Everyone notices she's there, but nobody tries to get her out of the corner. She acts anyway like the doesn't want out of that corner.
    But she does feel very lonely sometimes.
    Luckily she found a choir with the greatest people on earth. There almost all like her, the ones in the corner, but they all know that they have great parties in those corners.

    The girl is looking for that one kind of friend, her favorite blogger Annika always talks about, and she's not sure if she's going to find that person, but she keeps going on and hoping, just like Annika told her to. And love every day, and cherish every moment she has with all the friends who might not be perfect, but she's very grateful for them.

    And I've totally forgotten the clue of this comment, but this was my little story, why you're a very inspiring person. (maybe that was the clue)

  23. They would've just ruin your natural talent. At least that's what I keep telling myself - why I didn't go to writing school. :]

  24. I found this post really inspiring. It gave me a lot to think about, specially the part about losing someone you love.
    I came across your blog just a few days ago and I must say I realy like it and I'll keep coming back to read you.

  25. I think it's pretty amazing that you're able to open up like that to the internet. That's insanely brave. I don't know you but I am an avid reader and I must say from what I've read - you're strong, smart and super stylish (wow so many s's) Keep writing (good thing you're not throwing up anymore!) coz it would be a loss if you didn't.

  26. Annika, you are such a good soul. I can't really explain it. I've never met you but you seem like one of the most genuine, kind people I've ever known (in some sense). I can't really advise you on your situation(s) but I do hope the best comes your way. It sounds like you've been through a lot and deserve the best, to me.

    I think you will find that you'll end up being someone far faster now than you did when you were so concentrated on that goal. Real success comes from being humble and thoughtful and open. I think you have all those things now and you're on the right road. I'm not a fortune teller but from what I've observed in the past, these qualities lead to closer bonds and more sincerity in everything you do. And I think that will lead you to the success that you can now live without...but will end up having anyway. :) Keep sharing your stories. They make me happy and inspire me to be just a little better than I was yesterday, or the day before.

  27. Annika, I've been reading your blog on and off for a while now. I'm around 20 years older than you, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate your wisdom, your searing honesty, your painfully wrung insights. As someone whose loved one is presently in hospital with clinical depression I find it reassuring reading everything you choose to share with your readers. I'm sure you know how much you reach out to people worldwide. However, I just wanted to thank you for reaching out in this way. You never know who you touch.

  28. hi annika,
    this is my first time reading your blog and i will say this
    1. i'll be back!
    2. i think that creative course would've benefitted from you more than you'd benefit from it :)
