Monday, October 10, 2011

Make It Count.

I know it doesn't always seem like it, but I am truly grateful for everything that I have.

For my families; the one I was born into and the one I've created for myself.

For the blessing of waking up every morning in our own bed with the love of my life and the most adorable cats anyone could ever ask for.

For the opportunity to live in a house I feel one hundred percent at home in, for the people in my life who refuse to give up on me even when I simply cannot be the friend they deserve.

For the rare chance to work with what I love, and what's even more rare, to be able to cut down on assignments now that my depression makes working nearly impossible.

For all of you who read my blog, write me comments and letters and make me feel so much less lonely.

I have made so many mistakes in my life, but I must have done something right to end up right where I am. Or maybe it's faith, maybe it's luck, maybe I don't deserve any of this. Either way, I'm grateful.

Sure, it's over a month until Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean you can't still give thanks, right?

Last night, I started thinking about how lucky I am. Our stove has been broken for four days which means we've only had cold food (we don't own a microwave), as well as the heater that hasn't worked in forever - I didn't mind until now, when the outside temperature has dropped and we have to watch tv looking like we're off to a polar expedition any minute.

And still... life is pretty spectacular. I try my best to remember that, even when I eat cold pizza leftovers for dinner wearing a winter coat and woolen socks and I cry for the 10000000034576425645926892046th time about the fact that I can't call my best friend and ask her to come over and watch the latest How I Met Your Mother episode with me. Especially then. Because she's no longer here, but I am. And it's my duty to appreciate it; today, tomorrow and every single day until I finally join her. Otherwise, our time apart will have been all for nothing.

Life's too short for wasting. Let's try to make it count. [Insert carpe diem cliché of your choice here - they're all true.]


  1. Amazing Annika <3 I'm so sorry for your friend xx

  2. Beautiful post..and so inpiring. Also it made me write first comment ever,though im reading your blog for quite a while now.

  3. :*
    and here's a giant e-hug (haha, e-hug, got it ;)) for you.

    and please call the mechanic guy before you two get frozen! :]

  4. You're absolutely right, life is pretty spectacular! I'm sending the biggest virtual hug ever your way :)

  5. I've had the worse night - the kind of night where darkness just grabs you and doesn't want to let go.

    so thank you for this Annika. thank you for reminding me. everyday, all the time ... there's always going to be an obstacle - I just need to get over it.

  6. Some very true words, Annika.

    I am certainly thankful to you. To all the wisdom, beauty and spirit you give to and share with your readers through your blog.

    Today you made me realise that I too do have so much to be thankful for (don't we all need to be reminded once in a while...). Family, friends, opportunities... Also the little things that may seem so mundane, the things we take for granted, but in fact, we need them and love them dearly. Together and/or apart they make life and us... beautiful.

    My greatest love to you. Take care of your darling self. <3 /emma

  7. So true... I'm sorry about your friend...

  8. Everybody tells me how lucky I am to live and be who I am. But sometimes its just hard to believe these words when I get depressed with my "perfect" life. No wise words from even the wisest man seem to help because they don't know or understand how I feel. But to read such inspirational words coming from someone who has gone through the same thing is quite uplifting. Every time I read your blog it makes me feel so much less alone. Waiting for your new post is like waiting for a reply letter from my best friend. You are my virtual best friend Annika! Thanks and I love you! :)

  9. Awesome post. I'm trying to make it count, but it's really really difficult sometimes. I get mad at myself, for not living life fully and wasting it on feeling like this, but it's really hard not to. I think it's great to write post like these, or write it in your journal or wherever, when you have the strenght to do it. Xoxo

  10. Jag går filosofi A och det handlade om Jean-Paul Sartre idag. Han sa att "problemet inte är vad livet gjort med oss utan vad vi gör av det livet gjort med oss". Jag tycker du gör det så bra som kämpar vidare när du gått igenom jobbiga saker.

  11. "She's no longer here, but I am. And it's my duty to appreciate it; today, tomorrow and every single day until I finally join her. Otherwise, our time apart will have been all for nothing."

    Var det vackraste och mest tankeväckande jag läst på länge..

  12. hello Annika, thanks again for this truly honest post, I find you, your blog, the way you live and how you write about it truly inspiring!!! it's so hard to put on the happ & pink glasses in the morning but I wish more people made the effort. You're one of them and despite your loss & sadness I find amazing what a joyful & extraordinary person you are! xoxo, katika

  13. my fave line of your post is.."For my families; the one I was born into and the one I've created for myself.".. i say that's what friends are, right? the family you choose. we've been using our toaster oven for months now because our regular oven died. recently, our toaster oven is burning everything. so annika, would you prefer cold refrigerated food, or burnt, & over cooked food? yes, we're truthfully grateful we have food & a refrigerator, at all. ;)

  14. Those are some wise and true words you've posted here. I think you're a very strong person for still believing in yourself and for enjoying your life as much as you can. It must be hard, especially after the loss of your friend, but I think you're doing a pretty damn good job at it! Life has it's ups and downs, you just have to try and focus on the good stuff. And when things aren't going that well, we still have Barney to help us cheer up a little ;)

  15. And this is what you have to hold on to. Stay tough!

  16. I agree that we should always be thankful for what we have, sometimes I seem to forget that. It's so weird though, our stove isn't working either! (well, the power's been out for 4 days now due to a storm)and we don't own a microwave as well!! how strange is that?! Anyway, stay warm and I hope everything goes well))

  17. Really, you are so cute!

    I'm on the same mood of appreciating my life, because I lost 2 brothers when they still were so young and since then, is like if I had to have the good life that they deserve!
    Of course, let's try to make it count!!!
