Saturday, October 15, 2011

Welcome to my humble abode.

On Thursday, these two lovely ladies drove all the way out here for a day of complete countryside chillin' with yours truly and da katz.

We started out by taking a walk around the neighbourhood - I needed to go pick up one of our cars that was being serviced down at the auto shop - and apparently both Malin and Annsofie found the walk quite hilarious. In both of these photos, Annsofie is getting ready to throw chestnuts for me to catch. Like little kids! That's awesome. I happen to love kids.

Then we went home and made dinner. Malin was making her dad's "famous" beef something - turned out it would have deserved being famous, it was ridiculously tasty - and I was in charge of the appetizers.

Malin thought it was a good idea to try and feed raw onions to Biianka. Luckily, my baby girl knows better. She and her brother got their favorite smelly chicken-ish cat food instead.

I am not very much into cooking, but I do make a mean goat cheese toast - and why change a winning concept? It is one of the most delicious dishes ever!

We were all working on Friday, so we toasted in non-alcoholic cider and felt like insanely responsible adults. Which I suppose we sort of are.

Responsible Adult # 1.

Responsible Adult # 2.

Sleepy kitty # 1.

The cats finished their food in about three and a half seconds, but Baryshnik decided to stay and hang out by the dinner table. Such a gentleman.

After dinner, we slumped on the couches, drank coffee and ate candy and talked about boys and work and boys and work and eternal love - you know, the important things.

I'm always really nervous before friends visit our house for the first time; for some reason I keep obsessing over if they'll think it's nice and clean and charming or not. Which is obviously a complete waste of time, since if someone didn't like it, they would most likely be polite enough not to let me know. I'm not sure why it's so important to me that others think we have a great home, but probably it has something to do with the fact that people generally think Ronnie and I are a bit nuts for leaving Stockholm for a house - a life - in the middle of nowhere. So if they come out here and think it's idyllic and peaceful and beautiful out here, it's like I've somehow redeemed myself in their eyes. That they might understand why I've chosen this life for myself. But gosh, it's all so stupid. I know it doesn't matter, not even a little bit - all that matters is that I LOVE IT HERE. I really, really, really do. This is my sacred place, be it nice and clean or not. This is my life now, and I've never regretted it. Not for a split second.

The photo shoot yesterday went beyond my expectations, I'm so happy with the result! Now I just hope that Tove - the amazing lady I photographed - will be as satisfied with the photos as I am...

I've been working for a few hours and now I'll have to get ready, since I'm driving into Stockholm for the second day in a row; Ronnie and I are going to have dinner with friends before driving back home tonight. I'm absolutely not used to all of these activities - even if they're really great and fun ones - and I just hope I'll be able to enjoy myself and not get too tired and worn out in the days to come. Because on Monday, I'm going to London, baby!


  1. I love the outfits ! And this looks like so much fun... And what an adorable cat ! I'm thinking about getting one actually :)


  2. Hahahh,I've got a caption for picture number four:
    Women in their natural habitat.

    only joking of course. you don;t have to post this comment if you find it rude, but from where I'm from, everyone loves women-kitchen-jokes

  3. London?! I am so jealous!

    it sounds like you are having so much fun Annika, and I hope that continues. you're just so beautiful and I just want you to remember that :)

  4. I love the look on Baryshnik's face, now that is how satisfaction looks like!

  5. those photos of this post are exceptional! i'm certain the ones you shot will be too. your cat food looks gourmet. i'm sure they know how much you love them. ;)

  6. have fun in London! btw I'm sooo jealous! :)

  7. She certainly is! Satisfied! Best shots of me ever, I'm almost falling in love with myself looking at them. I don't know how you do it, but you did it again!

  8. Hi honey.
    I love your blog.
    Give my last one ...
    What do you think of following each other?
    I love it.

  9. appreciate the 2nd one,big smile for that..

  10. Sounds like a good day, and that you have a lot of fun things going on. Hope you enjoy them! Xoxo

  11. Teddi, are you saying you mistook my delicious chèvre toast for CAT FOOD?!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm speachless!


  12. That goat cheese toast-thingy looks really good! And although I'm not really into goatcheese, I still want to eat it, haha!
    I'm glad you did a photodiary-esque post. I always love to get a peek into the life of the blogger.

    Janice xx

  13. Looks like you had an terrific time with your friends. And have fun in London, it is a great town.
