Sunday, August 14, 2011

Out and about on a boat.

(The title of this post is quite funny if you read it out loud with a Canadian accent. At least I think so. Yes, I have bad humour. Everyone knows that.)

On Thursday night, my sister Amanda and I got dressed up and headed for Stockholm. (I live a little more than an hour by car south-west of Sweden's capital, in a tiny village with 570 residents.)

We stopped at a roadside diner to have burgers for dinner. While waiting for our food, we entertained ourselves by taking gross photos of eachother eating "pizza salad" (basically white cabbage and dressing that Swedish people like to eat with their pizza).

We parked the car in our parents' driveway and took the subway into town. These photos remind me of when my other little sister, Wendi, came to visit me from Los Angeles last summer. She was stunned and a bit freaked out by the fact that there were "NO PEOPLE, like, anywhere!". Seeing this empty subway station, I guess she did have a valid point.

We walked down towards Södermälarstrand, where some of my friends were having a party on a boat, and where the sky was putting on quite the show.

(Edit: My friends don't own a boat. There's a club located on a boat, my friends were dj:ing there and invited a ton of people.)

"Are we there yet?!"

I'd say the view from the boat wasn't too bad, either! But perhaps I'm biased. I happen to love this city.

Unfortunately, I'm really lousy at taking photos when I'm out, ehm, socializing. So a lot of these photos are boldly stolen from my super skilled photographer friends Björn A. and Johannes Helje.

Photo by Björn.
Erik was there. He and I broke up eight years ago and he's still one of my favorite people. Plus, he writes ridiculously pretty songs.

Photo by Björn.
Julia was there too!

No comments.

I ran into my old friend Johannes, which was awesome, since I haven't seen him in foreeeveeer. He still looked like Julian Casablancas, though. Some things don't change - luckily.

The gorgeous lady by his side is Desirée, a girl I'd never met before and instantly disliked, due to the fact that... well, due to her insane gorgeousness, obviously. Then we started talking and my dislike did a 360° - turns out it's quite possible to be beautiful and stylish and the sweetest person. Who'd have thought?! Now she's officially my most recent girl crush.

Desirée claimed she looked "mean" in the photo above, so I took another one. Impressively enough, Johannes managed to pull off the exact same pose one more time.

Oh, and this is Josu! One of my oldest and dearest friends. We met when I'd just graduated from high school and was such a complete and utter mess, we moved to Shanghai together, he's picked me up and carried me home about a billion times (metaphorically speaking, and yes, a few times even literally).

Photo by Johannes.
Photo by Johannes.
Photo by Johannes.
Johannes is going to New York in a couple of days, so when he went to the bar and got me a beer, I decided it was most appropriate to pay him in dollars.

The boat closed down at 1 am and we went out into the now quite chilly night.

Photo by Johannes.
Photo by Johannes.
Photo by Björn.
After a few hours' events that were not captured in photos, the night ended with everyone falling asleep on Josu's couch and bed (or, like Josu himself, in his desk chair). Well, everyone except me, who haven't beaten my jetlag yet and wasn't even tired. I decided to clean up most of the after party mess before putting my sister and myself in a cab at 6:30. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as "pulling an all-nighter". It might not have helped with my 6 hour jetlag, but it was so worth it!

(Oh - and to me, "going to a party" doesn't mean "get drunk". Every time I have more than two beers or glasses of wine, I get sick. Not just throwing-up-at-a-nightclub-bathroom sick, though that happens, too - I get stay-in-bed-for-a-week-sick. So... I don't do it. I'm not a teetotaler in any way, I have a drink or a two, I just refrain from get wasted. And I definitely don't mind - I certainly don't need alcohol to have fun with my friends, and I have a lot more fun if I'm not in the bathroom puking my guts out.)

And I promise, you'll never have to see photos of this outfit ever again. ;)


  1. That sky looks fabulous! You look like you had a great night out

  2. looks like you had a lot of fun. everyone just looks pretty. really not fair. ;)
    i think you should do that more often. meet a lot of friends. (which you havn't seen in foooooreeever) that makes me always happy. i always need many people around. :)
    anyway, beautiful pictures!

    i really admire you for that alcohol thing. i know people like you, who just don't care about alcohol and stuff. they always have control and look beautiful. and it really seemed that you have fun wthout that! because i always drank too much alcohol, or take too many drugs during the last month..that's not cool..

    xxx love, nastassja

  3. Looks like an awesome night! The view sure is beautiful, I love Sthlm too.

  4. Hahhahaha. Read this whole post. Your life is so funny :P I'm the same way with drinking. I love it but the next morning I can't move/breathe/think so I just have refrained from drinking entirely.

    Castle Fashion

    PS: You and Erik should get back together! You're so cute :X

  5. It looks like you had an awesome night with your friends! I really like the photos, so many beautiful people! ;)
    I often made experiences like the one you made with Desirée. You look at a beautiful, stylish girl und the first thing that comes in mind is: uuuuh, she must be very arrogant. But mostly it turns into the complete opposite when you talk to that person ;) And I often hear that other girls think the same about me. Never understood that ;)

  6. you have an amazing life huh <3
    pictures are priceless and you look gorgeous


  7. Seiously, every single one of your friends is gorgeous! I want to be that stylish. Also your friend has a boat... your life is too cool for words.
    It is one of my life ambitions to have a boat.

  8. Technically, if your dislike did a 360 degree turn, it ended up at the same place it started from:P I think the saying is 180 degrees - into the opposite direction.

    Anyhow, you are gorgeous and so is your sister. I love Sweden and Stockholm. Greetings from Tallinn.

  9. Liisi, hahahahahaha, I was afraid of that! I'm so disastrously terrible at everything that has to do with numbers. Obviously you're right.

  10. Bethany, I can't believe someone as awesome as you would ever comment on my blog, this is too muuuuch!!! Aaaanyway... my life usually sucks, but this sure was a great night.

    OrigamiGirl, my friends definitely are gorgeous and stylish, but not one of them owns a boat. They were just throwing a party on this boat where there's a hotel and night club. Sorry to disappoint you. ;)

  11. you and your sisters have a really great style. :) I bet you've got awesome friends, you look really happy. haha. I love the view btw, beautiful scene.


  12. Haha, I wanted to warn you on the 360 degree stuff too, but I see Liisi was faster :D

  13. Det är första gången jag halkar in på din blogg.
    Den är lite som en godispåse man får plocka själv. Lite sött, lite surt, lite salt.
    Det finns något för alla.
    Du har min röst på bloggaward. Lycka till!
