Monday, August 29, 2011

Back at the office!

Today I'm back at the office, back to work, back in business! I have such a wonderful feeling inside, I don't know, its like that "today is the first day of the rest of your life" cliché has taken over my brain, filling me up with silly optimism. That's rare for me, to say the least, so I'm doing my best to savor it!

I mean... I started the work day by making a to do-list, the way I always do, and I'm actually crossing things off of it. I'm Getting Things Done! Few things are more satisfying to me than that feeling.

Before going home tonight, I'm heading to the gym to work out. That's quite the big deal for me, and an important part in my Project this fall: the Project to Turn Myself into a Happier and Healthier Person.

What I need to do to make this happen:

* Stress less. I've quit many of my job assignments, to go back to school (I'm taking a course in Creative Writing at the university - the first real class is tomorrow!) and to focus of my own writing projects. Now it's up to me to find a balance between work, school and my own writing (and the blog, of course!) that doesn't make me walk around with that constant and unsettling feeling of almost not making it. I have a habit of taking on more and more things until I simply can't take it anymore and get very, very sick for a long time. That's my body's way of letting me know that I've gone too far and that it's refusing to cooperating with me if I'm not going to treat it right. But that's not going to happen this fall. I won't let it. Health has to come first.

* Don't skip meals (and no, brownies does NOT count as a meal). I have terrible problems eating by myself, which means that when I'm alone, I basically live off of cookies, icecream, sandwiches and candy (oh, and breakfast, I always eat breakfast). Well, this stupidity is going to stop. Right now. I'm aware that I will get sick if I don't provide my poor body with the right nutrition, and from now on, I'm going to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, and these meals are going to consist of food. The dishes can be extremely simple - I'm not expecting to become a contestant in Top Chef - as long as they fall into the category "normal food". (Note: this has nothing to do with losing weight. The opposite, actually. I'm sure I would feel better in every way if I managed to gain a few pounds.)

* Become much more active. The horrible truth is that I basically never move. At all. I walk down to the car, I get in, I drive where I'm going, I get out. Then I get back in the car, drive home, walk the 10 seconds back to the house. I tell myself I need to go for walks, and I do. About twice a month. Now, my plan is to go to yoga once a week - I love yoga, and the studio is located in the same house as my office, to I have no excuse not to go! - go to the gym once a week, and try to take a walk once a week. More than that and I know I'll just feel like it's too much and go back to doing nothing. Baby steps, you know. Again: I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm tired of having constant back pains, of panting and wheezing like I've just run a marathon every time I have to climb a flight of stairs, of having no energy whatsoever. I'm still young and I shouldn't allow my body to become that of an old woman.

* Seizing the day. Yeah, yeah, the World Championship of Clichés is being held right here in this post, I know. But come on, give me a break. We could all benefit from trying harder to appreciate all the good things in our lives, to be grateful for what we've got. I will never, ever stop grieving what I've lost, but all I can do is whatever I can to keep it from ruining my life. Giving up and drowning is my sorrows is not what Fanny would have wanted, and it's definitely not what I want for myself. There's beauty all around and I will try my best to see it, even if it means I'll have to staple my lids to my brows to keep my eyes open.

In the last issue of Sofis mode, I have a column that was actually inspired by this post. I know, it sounds so conceited to say that I was "inspired" by one of my own blog posts - of course that's not what I mean. I just got the idea for the column when I was writing that specific post, that's all.

And for the blogger feature, I had the pleasure of interviewing the adorable Kani Cao of K is for Kani! She is such a sweet and clever girl, and her style is the perfect mix between sophisticated vintage and young, fresh, colorful and trendy. If you haven't yet checked out her blog, you most definitely should!


Let's end this post with a video of my dear, dear friend Zoey of MakeShiftModel singing a beautiful song with her mindblowingly angelic voice. Yeah, I am blown away by the fact that one person can be so full of amazing talents (and be incredibly stunning on top of it all), and my heart is simply overflowing with love and admiration for her! And just thinking that I would never have had the opportunity to get to know Zoey if I hadn't started this blog... "Meeting" all of you amazing people online these past three months are by far the best thing that's happened to me in a long, long time.

Now: lunch!


  1. Bra mål! Jag måste själv lära mig att äta vettigare och röra mig mer. Tror jag skulle må otroligt mycket bättre, ha mer energi, om jag tog tag i detta.

  2. You interviewed Connie?! Yay! You and she are my favourite bloggers. Also, the only bloggers whose blogs I actively follow.
    This has made my day. C:

  3. This truly was an inspiring post. Thank you.

  4. You really are an inspiration to me. I have the same problems which got worse since i graduated and started working from home. With no daily interaction (as there is in a regular work place), I have too much time to think and I stress myself out with my thoughts. It built up for 3 years and i recently got really ill due to it. I took a step back this year and decided to take work easy and just focus on getting better. I've made progress but i don't feel like the person I used to be.

    And as for the eating thing, i eat a lot when i remember to! But i have such a bad diet and that is something i need to work on to. I think what I need to do is make a timetable for myself and stick to it. I wish you luck in project happy and healthy. Keep us posted and please know that you're helping us by being your lovely self on your awesome blog x

  5. Very weird! I am at that place as well in my life, but before the plan and the good motivating feelings. I thought "well things are not great, what can I do, maybe I'll read a little Annika to distract myself", and what do you know? You are talking about exactly what I should be doing right now; making a plan to make things better! Thank you for sharing that kind of stuff about yourself, the inner stuff that not everyone talks about. Well that's it, off to make a "plan"!

  6. Annika This seems to be my own list!! Im always stressed, Im trying to control that and also the fact that I completely forget to eat when Im home alone... lets see if I improve on that ...God!! Im not the only lazy girl... I have tried to set up a routine to become active but it never works, I give up on that! ... About Kani & Zoey they both are amazing and inspiring!!
    Welcome back to work !!!!!

  7. I always do 'To do List' too :) I'm nothing without it! Your advices are really helpful! I'm gonna use them in my life :)

  8. I LOVE the feeling of crossing things of a to do list. You are right, there are few things more satisfying!
    And I love your plan, let us know how it goes!

  9. Jättefin krönika och så sann.

  10. cheers to a healthier annika! i checked out kani's blog, & she is super cute with great style! your friend zoey is beautiful as well, as a great singer & piano player. she is playing the piano there, isn't she?

  11. Sounds like an excellent plan to become a happier person. Also lovely (and very mature, in a very positive way) that the plan is to become "Happier" and not simply "better". The goal should be to feel good, not to seem good... and the difference between those two can be very huge. Good luck!

  12. Hur töntigt det än låter så fick den här videon fart på mig:

    Jag provade först att inte äta sötsaker i 30 dagar, och är nu på 50 dagar utan att ens sakna det. Det ledde i stället till att jag äter ordentlig mat, på rätt tider. Och jag började träna regelbundet. Nästa projekt är kanske att försöka skriva en bok. Som Matt Cutts säger, det behöver int vara en bra bok, bara att kunna säga det räcker för mig.

  13. You look so cute in those glasses!

  14. heja! jag har också tänkt börja röra på mig mer (oj så ovanligt då). jag blir bara så galen på allt snack om att banta och gå ner i vikt och ät det här och gör så här. jag bryr mig inte det minsta om sånt, och all denna fixering gör att jag bara vill göra precis tvärtemot (jag har aldrig riktigt kommit ur trotsåldern). samtidigt vet jag ju att det bara är jag som lider när ryggen värker. så nu, ny höst, ny motivation! kanske att jag kan inspireras av dig :)

  15. Hi! I loved your blog and I'm following you, please follow me back!


  16. Go Annika, go! I'm super impressed with your goals, and seeing how realistically and logically you talk about them inspires (there's that word again! So much inspiration floating about, haha!) me to try to do the same :) Thanks for that - I need all the inspiration I can get, haha!


  17. I am so happy to hear you interviewed Kani, she's one of my favorite bloggers, just like you! ;)

    Thank you so much for letting me know how you did put those signs! With Annika signature (at the bottom of the text) you did the same thing you did with "What I'm wearing:" sign, right? And your "about" was also made in photoshop or...? ;) Thanks once again!

  18. Yes dear, like I said :) The "what I'm wearing"-sign was made in Photoshop using the Edwardian Script font - just like all my other signs on the blog, except for the header which is my handwriting! Oh, yeah, Kani is SO lovely. <3

  19. Thanks Annika, you're the best! ;) Oh, I almost forgot: good luck with your decisions! I made some decisions as well which are hopefully gonna help me to start working cool and relaxed just like you. Fingers crossed!! :D

  20. Ha! This reminds me of the list I made for myself when I first started blogging. It doesn't really describe me anymore, so I took it down. But it makes more sense as a post as you've done it. It really helps to set goals by writing them down. It helped me! I'm like a thousand times happier, although I still have lots of work to do as far as career goes. I find you super inspiring, girlfriend ;) Good luck! SO HAPPY you're doing yoga. It's definitely not about losing weight, but about lifestyle and the happiest, healthiest you you can be. My yoga teacher (for teacher training) in fact said you will not lose weight doing yoga. I gained weight in training, as did we all, but that was because we had to eat enough to yoga three times a day... My friend (another yoga teacher, the one I feel like you'd be best friends with) Tara Stiles just posted this video about eating for good health. She's chatting with a cancer survivor in it. It's uper inspiring. I'm going to be trying to do some of the meal suggestions! Not for weight loss but for health as well.

    Much love,

  21. you're pretty.

    if you're not already follow me, i mean you could if you want to and i'll follow you back.

    my blog♥mfashionfreak

  22. How refreshing to hear that I'm not the only one that takes on too much and gets super stressed out about it :) Thank you so much for being completely honest with what you are going through. I can totally relate to what you're saying about wanting to do it all. I'm in the process of finishing school, working full time, working on my old blog and starting a new blog. It gets crazy! Sometimes I just feel utterly overwhelmed and want to stop everything. It's also a goal of mind to get balanced as well. Good luck with everything!
