Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I miss you.

Black sequin dress, a gift from my best friend Fanny's mother, from her boutique Räddningsplankan. Leopard print tights, H&M. Black and white studded brogues, Nelly.com. (They're on sale, 99 SEK!) The bag I inherited from Fanny after she passed away.

(Photos by Amanda.)

Last night, I drove into Stockholm to go to a movie premiere with my little sister Amanda. The film is called "Jag saknar dig" ("I miss you") and is based on a book that was my favorite when I was twelve, so I had been looking forward to seeing it for the longest time.

The tagline on the poster is "How do you survive losing a part of yourself?" - a question that I have been trying to answer during these past eleven months.

In the movie, 14 year old Tina loses her identical twin sister Cilla in a car accident, and after a lifetime of being part of a twosome she's suddenly left all alone, forced to try and find a way to go on with her life on her own. Let me just say this: I didn't put on any makeup before I left the house. At least I know myself that well. 

To my Swedish readers: go see the film. The acting and the dialogue is occasionally somewhat awkward, and yes, it's corny at times. But you know what? It's all okay. Because it's also wonderful, made with warmth and love and it's heartbreaking, to all of us who's lost the person we were closest with in the entire world and to everyone who can't even stand the thought of losing that one person who keeps you going. Basically, it's a film for everyone who could use a reminder to cherish the people in our lives, to never take them for granted, to never let the sun set upon an argument.

"How do you survive losing a part of yourself?" I have been asking myself that every second, every minute, every hour of every day for almost a year. And I still have no idea. I honestly don't. I don't even know for sure if I want to. But I'm working on it, I'm looking for reasons to live on and for ways to make it possible.

It wasn't until halfway through the movie that I realized I was wearing a dress given to me by Fanny's mom and a bag I inherited from her after she passed away. Maybe it means something. Maybe it doesn't. But I remember too well the first time I saw that bag, when I opened the door and let her into the tiny apartment Ronnie and I were living in at the time; she was wearing her green coat and a knitted beret and those tan leather boots I gave her because they turned out to be half a size too small for me. I ooooh:ed and aaaah:ed her new bag and she showed me the gorgeous lining print inside.
Of course I remember it. I remember everything.

I HATE THAT I NOW OWN THIS BAG. I can't even tell you how much I hate this godforsaken fact.

Anyway. On to other things.

The girl who dies in the film is in love with this tall, brooding rocker guy with eyeliner and lots of hair covering one side of his face; he's in love with her too and he writes her a song (before she dies) that they play about ten times (at least) during those two hours. That would have been pretty unbearable if the song wasn't quite great. I listened to it at least ten more times in the car, driving home in the dark and the pouring rain, and I have to say it's still just as good. Come on, listen to it!

The singer (Ludvig Nilsson) plays a big supporting part in the movie, but it wasn't until I got home and saw this video that it dawned on me why I think he's weirdly hot. Like, I don't necessarily find him that excessively hot, but I knew he reminded me of someone who is so ridiculously sexy that some of that sexiness spills over onto him. Suddenly it was all so obvious: he looks so much like Shane McCutcheon (The L-Word), a.k.a. the hottest person (allright, tv character) in the whole world.

Oh wow. This post sure jumps from one subject to another with uncomfortable speed. That might be because I'm only pretending to write this in the morning (you know "last night I drove into Stockholm" and so on), but it's actually 2:16am and I'm incredibly tired. (I figured 2:16 might be a bad time to upload a post, so I'm scheduling it for tomorrow morning. Plus, then you'll think I'm up and about at 9:30, when I will without a doubt be sleeping like a baby in my bed.) The cats are already sleeping next to me on the couch, and I think I just might follow their example.

Right - today, no, technically yesterday - is/was this blog's three-month-anniversary! Yay According to Annika! Thanks a billion to everyone who's reading and commenting, this blog would already be dead and gone if it wasn't for you. I can't even believe how many people (we're talking hundreds of thousands!) have stopped by so far, and the numbers seem to keep growing for every day that passes. Thank you again for taking an interest in me and my life. Blogging does take up a lot of time that could potentially be used for something more... I don't know... cleaning/exercising/reading/guitarplaying/work-related, but the amazing friends I've made in these three months make every second worthwhile.


  1. Ha! You're right Shane IS the hottest tv character ever!

  2. Happy Birthday to this blog! :) Post on. I love your posts. And the clashing of prints/textures is a huge plus in my book. A+++

    Castle Fashion

    PS: I know what you mean about the awkward posting times. Sometimes I want to post something at the craziest hours but I schedule it for later so people don't think I'm a weirdo! Haha

  3. your brogues are so cool!


    Meena ♥

  4. Will try the L word now. The boyfriend will wonder, but that's ok.

  5. Hi Annika! :)

    happy 3 months birthday for your blog! :)
    you are one of my favorite bloggers (and I mean it). you are very strong and I like that very much!

    check out my blog and it would be really nice if you would leave at least a comment:

    xx, Zsuzska

  6. haha, I soo wanted to be a lesbian and go out with Shane when I saw the l-word :D
    (at least for the first 2 seasons, because then she got feelings "and stuff", and it was a big disappointment. :D)

  7. Oh Annika, you really do shine through your words. I went back to look at the bag once I had read the post, and it reminded me of how simple objects can come to symbolize very large emotions or feelings.
    The same goes for music (which you talked about here) and smells. The scent of Jo malone body wash takes me right back to recovering from surgery in london. Isn't it funny how things can do that? However, maybe funny is the wrong word - as I'm sure you feel it can often be sad and upsetting too.
    On a purely aesthetic note, those two-tone brogues are gorgeous. I was very tempted by some grey and black ones recently, but instead went for a pair of grey suede brogues instead, as they go with more things.

  8. I read your blog because you said so real. and when you talk about your loss, it really inspires me. I hope I never have to lose such a good friend, like you did, but it's so good to know that, over time, you can move. and you can still be happy.

    so thank you for that <3

  9. I know this is a much-used, almost worn-out quote, but it still holds true:

    it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved in the first place.

    du är underbart.


  10. Åh, vad glad jag blev av din kommentar i min blogg! Tackar så hemskt mycket för komplimangerna, känns extra roligt att få höra dem just av dig då jag varit inne på din blogg och kollat förut (och blivit förundrad av dina vackra bilder på dig själv - sååå vacker du är!) och tycker att du verkar vara en väldigt smart och vettig tjej!

    Jag har också fått kommentarer om mina armhår tidigare men jag har verkligen aldrig tyckt det var pinsamt utan mer som en rolig grej att visa upp för folk, typ "kolla jag är en liten apa!" haha.... så himla sjukt att tjejer ska "behöva" raka bort det med, när ska det liksom vara nog med saker vi förväntas göra för att inte vara "äckliga"?
    Det här föder ett sånt självhat som jag verkligen är obekväm med och bekymrad över.

    Hursomhelst, tack för din sköna kommentar! :D

  11. It was one of my favourite book too. My mum gave it to me, she always gave me books for birthdays and for christmas. Then she passad away, both me and her too young for that. Me only 14 years old. Can´t believe seventeen years has passed since then. You actually learn how to live because you just do. I miss her and often wonder how my life would have turned out with her still in it. So it gives me things to fantasies about.
    I do still love to read so she gave me that to carry with me. Have to watch the movie sometimes soon. That´s all i wanted to say!


  12. Jag älskar det faktum att du hoppar mellan ämnena på det här viset. Det är charmigt med nattbloggeri.

    (Och Shane är min stora kärlek också för övrigt. Finns ju ingen, varken tjej eller kille, som är hetare.)

  13. I love how you pair the sequin dress with the brogues, they work very well together.



  14. Annika, both you and your sister Amanda look gorgeous!

  15. It's a great book, tried at first to read it when I was eight and I just watched my grandma get hit by a car and die, but I was too young. Read it again at 14, and really wanna see the movie. The song is great. Xoxo/Lisa

  16. i love them black and white shoes! they are awesome!!


  17. I want to see this movie now!! I don't know if you've seen Hereafter or not, but a twin dies in that movie too. It's not the greatest film, but it did make me sad because of that. This movie looks a hell of a lot better. I'm definitely going to check it out. I hope they have english subtitles!
    Also, I'm sorry about your friend Fanny. She sounds like an absolutely lovely lady and is (present tense) so incredibly lucky to have an amazing friend like you.
    God bless.


  18. Är det mälarhöjdens t-bana? (älskar din engelska blogg. superdupermycket)

  19. You have such an incredible blog! I love your style, and you are so real and inspiring, it's wonderful. :)


  20. Hi Annika,

    my english is sooo bad, but i wanna try to write you a small comment....

    I'm a "silent reader" :D Everyday on work (sometimes it's very booooring) i read your new posts and everyday i'm fascinated about your writing, your fashionstyle and so on...

    I'm from Germany and we also have the store "Monki", but I have never seen those beautiful clothes like yours in this store...
    You`ve lived in Germany for a short time? Do you speak German?
    I think swedish is similar to german, because i read and understood the subtitle partially before i read your post....

    Your writing about the film fascinated me... but i think the film won't appear in german or english language. :(

    Pls forgive me my horrible grammar and mode of expression.

    <3 Mia

  21. Åh, alltid när jag får tag på en sofis mode bläddrar jag först och främst fram till din krönika. Varje gång blir jag lika rörd och har tänkt att snart, snart ska jag gå in på hennes blogg. Så såg jag nu att du var nominerad på blogawards - Grattis! Men främst är jag så själviskt glad för att jag äntligen hittat hit.

    Nu ska jag in och boka biljetter till filmen.

    Grattis än en gång till nomineringen!
