Friday, May 27, 2011

Hush now baby kitten, mommy's here.

This just might be the cutest thing I have ever seen. EVEEER!

I had the best night tonight - when I went to bed (way too late), my baby girl came to sleep right next to me. She stretched out by my side and when I woke up at noon, we were still spooning and I had my mouth and nose full of her silky fur. (No wonder I had the most unsettling dream where Biianka was actually a human baby in disguise, but she only started running around on her hind legs laughing her little baby laugh when you put a plastic bag over her. Eww. The weirdness.) Anyway, it was still adorable and so is this video. I wish I knew what the baby kitten is dreaming about!


  1. That is the cutest video ever! I wish I had a fluffy cat <3

  2. this IS the cutest! although I was afraid at one point that mommy's hugging too hard :D
    OMG, I'm gonna watch this a few times today. And spamming my boyfriend with it :D

  3. Oh my word! This elicited an wide open-mouthed, drawn-out "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" from me. So, so, so sweet! :)

  4. Åhh herreguuuuuuud vad söt!!
