Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dearest Baz & Bii.

It can't be healthy to miss someone as much as I miss the two of you.


  1. This is the sweetest picture I've ever seen!

  2. Wow, they are so beautiful. I used to have a Maine Coon that looked just like your kitties. I moved from Germany to NYC and I still miss my pets like crazy, even though its been 4 years.

    I really love your blog. I read it all the time, but this picture is so sweet and special, I had to comment :)

  3. so cute! i have a cat too! she would always play around with her brother but sadly her brother ran away :(

  4. So cute, they look like twins <3 :)

  5. So gorgeous!! I could bare to be away from my two cats! I love them so so much! xx

  6. Ehhh, I miss my cat too, he's just taking his vacation at home where he can run around in the garden. I live in the city, so every other week I take him home to my parents', but I get so lonely without him, even when I'm sorrounded with people... people, ewww... :]

  7. i can excatly comprehend what you feel. i was 16 days away from my little kittie and i missed him very much. but i think not half as much as he missed me. i never saw him so happy like he was when i came back. for 2 days he was 24 hours all around me, he just couldn't stop following me to everywhere i was going to..


  8. Awwww so so sooooo cute!! I love cats as much as you do so I know exactly how you feel.
