Friday, July 15, 2011

And it was all yellow.

Black dress, Monki. Black belt, Gina Tricot. Yellow tights, Lindex. Black heels, vintage.

Guess what? Guess what guess what guess what?!

My plane didn't crash, and I have now spent 23 hours of my life in New York City! I still haven't taken one single photo - I'll have to change that, obviously - but I have come to the conclusion that it's insane that Ronnie and I don't live here, and that we should try to change that. Rather sooner than later.

Remember when I put together my Gossip Girl-inspired outfit? I promised you I would work on making my backdrop the Upper East Side instead of my usual garden, and well, this doesn't seem too impossible - considering that I'm now sitting in our apartment on, yes, the Upper East Side.

Okay, I'll admit, I did already know Ronnie would be spending his summer right here when I told you I'd work on it. That's cheating, no doubt - sorry about that! Though I would rather look at it as good dramaturgy. ;)

The outfit I wore on Wednesday, they day before I left, kind of got left out... so I figured I'd throw it in here until I can force my beloved boyfriend to snap some photos of me. I honestly don't think he's taken a single photo for this blog, no, really, not one. It makes him uncomfortable to take photos in front of other people, and I know he thinks it's emabarrassing that I pose so much, haha! Which naturally makes me feel completely awkward and hence look extremely stupid in the photos. (Oh, and he always tries to take arty photos that usually end up looking weird and ugly.) But we'll simply have to live with that, and I'm hoping he'll be able to take at least one photo a day that is not a total disaster.

Umm, back to the outfit, allright. I think I was trying to look like one of Edward Cullen's sisters, probably that one who can see into the future. I don't know, to me there's just something very vampiresque over thick, dark, marked eyebrows, the dramatic sleeves and of course the red lips I'm working hard on making my signature, haha!

The title of the post comes from the first Coldplay song I ever heard. My high school boyfriend Peter put it on a mix cd he made me when we were both 16, and I instantly thought it was sensational. Actually, back then, Coldplay were considered quite "indie" (yep, things like that were extremely important to me at the time).  Eleven years later, I remember just how powerful I found the song, and I still do.

And for the first time ever, I'm able to write these words:

Screw this, I'm gonna hit the streets of New York City!


  1. I love those tights, and I am incredibly jealous--New York!!! Have fun.

  2. Stunning outfit! Love your dress, your shoes and your belt! xxx

  3. Your photographs are always stunning! Lovely outfit choice, adore the splash of yellow :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  6. Nice outfit, love the dress and belt.

  7. LOve it what a wonderful dress I hope u boyfriend make a wonderful pict in the upper east side can't wait to see it and see ur inspiration outfit from Alice love ur blog kisses

  8. awesome tights and you look perfect. I'm absolutely honest.

  9. I really love the yellow tights !


  10. You looks great in those pictures! I love the heels!

  11. *look


  12. So how was the flight?! How are you dealing with the jetlag (obviously you can handle some non-sleeping rather well, considering your ability to pose graciously and ever elegant at 4 in the morning)? Any tips for surviving the plane for 12 hours?
    And there's nothing wrong with arty pictures ;) (surely you'll look good on any type of photographs taken, don't worry about that!)

  13. those photos, that outfit, with that pop of yellow tights! :) yellow is my fave coldplay song, & i can actually play it on guitar. go enjoy new york, annika!

  14. Now that you mention, you do quite look like Alice from Twilight! A very beautiful one, at that.

  15. I love your whole outfit but esp. your tights!
    J xx

  16. Beautiful combination of black and yollow:)

  17. I hope this is alright, but I used these images as part of a project I'm doing... I'm illustrating some bloggers that I admire!

    I hope you like it! :)
