Sunday, July 10, 2011

A lazy day to remember.

Yesterday was the most gorgeous day. And I'm not just talking about the weather.

I wish everyone a chance to experience at least one beautiful Swedish summer day - complete with fruity popsicles, sleepy bumblebees, swimming in a deep lake, drying off in the sun in less than five minutes, then going back in. And then back in. And then back in.

When we decided to go swimming, I didn't have the patience to find bikinis for us, so I just grabbed two pairs of comfy (matching) underwear and we were off. I'd had a blinding headache all day, and felt like jumping straight into the lake was my only chance to get rid of it. Well, I was right! As soon as I went in the water, with the cold surrounding me from head to toe, the pain released its grip and I was free. Then it came back every time I got out, so I kept going back in. And the water felt more glorious each time.

But most of all, I got to spend every minute of the day with Anna. When you have very few friends, the ones you do have are all so much more important, and this lovely lady truly is someone I keep close to my heart. (Plus, she's super pretty.) ;)


  1. It seems that you had a beautiful time, dear Annika !
    Your blog is my daily inspiration !


  2. Love Your blog, my dear. So pretty and charming :)

  3. Love uor blog Annika, so muchu!
    Beautiful day u had, love the photos *-*

  4. i echo your last paragraph. u & your sister are so sweet & dear <3

  5. gorgeous scenery! what a perfect day. i hope i can one day have a perfect swedish summers day, it looks like heaven

  6. These are beautiful pictures! It sounds like you had a lovely day!


  7. Honestly, I would've never thought that that was underwear!
    I love the photos! :)
