Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It takes two.

I almost forgot! I'm guest blogging today for the wonderful Maria Elyse over at First Impressions. Please check it out! It's a story about my very first love, and I'd really, really appreciate it if you'd read it.


  1. :O :O :O Seriously? Whatever you wrote really happened?? Noooo. I mean, I'm in a situation pretty much like this one. And I try to think that it doesn't matter because I'm still 17 and then things will be ok. Even if I know that NO, things won't be ok. The worst kind of love is the not mutual love. You know what? It fucking hurts. Tell me that when I grow up there will be nothing left from his blonde hair, his gold eyes. Please. It's been 5 years now and I want it to stop.
    Jeez, so sorry about that. You're the only person that gets me talking like that. You're awesome, never ever ever forget it. I'm a huge admirer of you. You're an idol for me.

  2. will go read it now doll x

  3. Shall go read it.

    And to Anonymous, my first love did break my heart, badly, it took me years to heal, I was 16 and thought I should die of that pain. But a year later I did a boy who really helped me with everything. We became best friends, he listend to me when I was heartbroken and vice versa and now we two have been married for a month. I will never get over the first time my heart did break, but the love I have now is even greater.

    What I am trying to say with this little story is that things will get better, even if it is so hard to believe!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You go girl! That story inspired me. You really got him back, just by letting him go. I am still really upset with my ex-boyfriend, and I find myself thinking about him way too much. I was even plotting to go on dates with a few guys to the restaurant where he works, as a form of revenge. But I don't think I'm going to actually do that. I know he'll want to talk to me again someday, and I'll just be "super busy." And strong, like you.

